Thursday, June 3, 2010


(The man I miss the most right now. AND HE DOESN'T READ MY BLOG!!) My best buddy. LOL.

Gosh, I hate drama. GAWSH I HATE DRAMA!!

Can't it see or hear that I hate it??

And don't contradict yourself. If you hate a type of people, check yourself first. You might be contradictory and have the exact same qualities as them.

Also, grow up. When you have a spat or disagreement with someone, don't pull others especially those who don't know what happened and are innocent along with it. And if someone does something, they have reasons.

That's the very reason why they air criminal minds. To get inside the mind of criminals to see if they know what they do is wrong.

Seriously mad, pissed, angry, everything. Sad, depressed, upset, down. All the negative emotions are combining to become a huge whirlpool inside me. SIGH is all I can say. I F*CKING hate drama, LOATHE IT!! Hope it sees this. Drama, I mean.

Signing off,
The one who understands.

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