Monday, June 21, 2010

Starbucks, coffee, tumblers and just about everything else.

Blaze and I :) She's SOOO sexy!!

Oh gosh. I hate it when Blogger can't auto save. Really annoying, I had to refresh the page and I lost everything I had already typed :(

Well, I was just saying, yesterday was a totally epic day, really hilarious. Geetz, Wind and I make an odd bunch :P We are really an oddity that generate a lot of attention, especially with Blaze around giving me snake-gasms :P I'm in Starbucks now at 8.30!! So early right?? LOL.

I bought Lil her birthday present. Bought her a Starbucks coffee tumbler which is absolutely gorgeous!! Also bought my old teacher some coffee grounds :) Funny present but yeah, he needs it I think. He teaches the WHOLE DAY LONG.

Since I talk so much about being in Starbucks, I'll post two pictures of my notebook and Lil's tumbler with my Starbucks caramel frappucino :)
There you go :)

Ughh!! I'm supposed to be reading up on my debate topics yet I'm blogging. Shows how much "love" I dedicate to you, my fellow blog readers!! Haha. Gosh, I'm being silly :P Coffee rush!! Sigh* I really quite dislike certain topics given. The theme for the debate competition which I'm sure you all have heard or read a million times is "Equity, access and quality". But like yesterday, the government team scoped it down to : Race, religion and gender have no place in application forms for universities in the US. Gosh, that was a little hard to debate on. It went haywire. And I thought of myself as not bias at all. I just can't stand this girl in the debate group. Lol, it's a good thing she's not in my team. She just acts too smart which I can't stand at all because in real, she's superficial, with nothing up there. So her debate arguments are pretty much pointless which is certainly an OUCH!!
Apart from all that, everything at home is going on okie again. It's not so bad. Mum even acknowledges the spider's existence. Oops, I said I'd actually blog about Freddy!! I forgot. I totally forgot about him. Hold on, I'll try post another one today. Just give me about an hour to deal with social equity alright?? :) For debate later. As the lecturers blatantly told us that we suck balls hard in debate. I apparently lost my "bitchy touche" in debate as I kept apologizing yesterday. Trust me, IT WON'T HAPPEN today :) I'll get myself back. Whee!!
Tata audience. Love,
The caramel coffee lover!!

1 comment:

  1. Really annoying, I had to refresh the page and I lost everything I had already typed

    I hear that.

    Race, religion and gender have no place in application forms for universities in the US.

    I agree. Particularly the race part. In anything. I despise race. All men have come from Adam. When a man classifies himself according to some racial designation, why does he stop short? Why doesn't he continue to the top? It bugs me exceedingly, continually. Of course, not all men accept the Truth, which is why religion is valid. Not that it necessarily matters in the USA, because the USA is not a Christian nation.

    I apparently lost my "bitchy touche"

    "He must correct his opponents with courtesy and gentleness, in the hope that God may grant that they will repent and come to know the Truth (2 Timothy 2:25)"

