Sunday, May 13, 2012

Of buggers, burgers and Ambiga.

Hello readers!! :D Didn't know what picture to put so I put one of myself. Ahem, excuses for vanity. ANYWAY.

Who opens up a burger stall in front of someone else's home and violates their privacy to 'punish' them??

UMNO/BN rookies of course.

There were multiple reports on various sites talking about IKHLAS opening up a burger stall in front of Datuk Ambiga's house. These petty traders complain of unrealistically HUGE losses they suffered because of the Bersih- 'the clean and fair elections protest' on the 28th of April. The traders gathered outside Datuk Ambiga's house (some dressed in Barisan National uniforms) for the burger protest. They even offered Ambiga some burgers although they know she is vegetarian. They also hung a burger on her gate, which was later removed by her bodyguard.

Is it even reasonable in the first place?? They say that because of the Bersih rally, they had to shut down their stalls for A DAY. The amount they want to claim back for compensation?? 200, 000 Malaysian dollars.

They say that their losses in A SINGLE DAY amounted up to 200 000 dollars?? They've got to be kidding. The best part of all this, is that our dear Malaysian police that fired tear gas and pepper-laced water from high pressured water cannons into the Bersih rally-goers are not doing anything about this pandemonium outside Datuk Ambiga's house. 

Is that even fair?? 

1. How offensive!! The traders obviously knew that Datuk Ambiga is a vegetarian. Do they want to provoke the very staunch members of PETA who are vegetarians as well?? :)

2. Who on earth is THAT stupid to close down food stalls on a day that is going to be exploding with a multitude of people?? They either are (a) plain stupid or (b) government cronies who are obviously idiots as well or (c) just too stupid to not understand how a business works. Don't we all know that, when an opportunity arises, grab it?? I mean, the Bersih rally was a GOLDEN opportunity. The streets were filled with throngs of people.  And people obviously get hungry AND thirsty after walking, sweating etc.

3. The location of the protest. This is absolute irrelevance. They held the 'burger protest' directly outside Datuk Ambiga's house. That is a blatant invasion of one's privacy. It can also be viewed as a security threat as Datuk Ambiga cannot leave her house without any harassment. She's a lawyer. I bet she could sue all of them in the blink of an eye for violation, distress, criminal/malicious intent and of course, damage to property, and criminal threat. These people should understand that Datuk Ambiga has a family and to cause her THAT amount of distress is just not a very reasonable thing to do, especially when donning government uniforms.

4. They are angry and rioting over the fact that Datuk Ambiga has international backup, BECAUSE she is a lawyer. I think their basis of argument is very invalid and in a debate, it is considered a clash or an overlapping of points where one side does not see the other side's point of view (pov).

Datuk Ambiga's point of hosting Bersih was for clean, fair and reformed elections. These petty traders who are obviously government cronies (let's call them GC*), obviously do not see her point and now they want to dive into this already blown up pandemonium with a DIFFERENT DIMENSION altogether and say that because of Bersih, they incurred a huge loss. Now that doesn't make sense. As I stated in number 2 above. What does Ambiga's international backup have to do with a loss they've incurred?? You see?? Any reasonable sense in the matter??

Another basis of their argument is that Ambiga's rally was illegal. Aren't they doing the EXACT same thing, except that it's worse?? Bersih did not invade any privacy. In this burger protest, the residents of Jalan Setiakasih are affected as there are a throng of people there, reporters too of course. Unwanted attention. The president of IKHLAS has been recorded stating that he hopes she feels the effect of their protest if ever the residents face any difficulties/emergencies. Isn't that malicious intent?? Aren't the law enforcers supposed to be doing something about it??

The president of IKHLAS (a stupid, confused brain damaged idiot who lacks intellect) said that he and his GC*s wouldn't hesitate to block the whole street with their stalls in order to get back the money they lost on the 28th of May. Isn't that a threat in itself?? They're blackmailing Ambiga to compensate the loss that isn't even in existence. He argues and tells the media that all traders should not vote for the opposition in the upcoming elections!! GC* much?? Bersih lasted for a day and these idiots plan to block the whole of Ambiga's residential area for up to 2 weeks if she does not pay back the sum of the loss they incurred. 

It's just plain nonsense. Illogical and unreasonable. And the law enforcers should do something about it. Not just sit back and enjoy the whole commotion. 

Long live, Ambiga.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dogs and murder.

This is my beautiful mini Spitz (or so I think), Jem :) She's in her "hey, I want some pets please" position. She's 5 this year :)

Another cloyingly cute picture of her.

The above two pictures are also of Jem but after she got into a fight with my neighbor's Rottweiller. She practically got mauled, Jem's a pretty tiny dog.

This is Apple (weird name for a huge dog I know), my neighbor's adorable big dog.

Contrary to popular belief, all dogs have aggressive instincts in them. I personally believe that there is no such thing as certain breeds of dogs being more prone to snaps than others. Size and sinew do matter of course. As they say; it's a dog eat dog world. 

Anyway, the incident that happened where my dog got into a brawl with my neighbor's dog was so uncalled for. (Warning: It's lengthy.) It happened like this: The chronology of unfortunate events-

1. My mother who loves dogs happened to see a little (or big) black tail bobbing on one side of my gate. Her heart sank. Her first thought was, "Please don't let it be Apple." (Apple-my neighbor's Rottweiller has been attacking some of my neighborhood dogs. I live in a society where dogs make our worlds go round. LOL.) 

2. She checked my neighbor's and saw that the outer gate was open.

3. She called my younger cousin, C to go out with her on a wild goose chase in an attempt to chase Apple back into her house.

4. Mum went to the other gate (we have 2 gates to my house) and opened it with the remote. (She didn't see Apple on this side of the gate.)

5. Apple rushed in and attacked Jem.

6. Mum screamed bloody murder and began hitting Apple with a broom (she managed to break it) and started looking for more weapons to hit poor Apple with. The whole time, Jem's head was in Apple's massive jaws mind you. Her head believe it or not can be fitted into Apple's jaws all the way to her neck. I hope you follow.

7. I woke up in time to hear the screaming and commotion. I rushed downstairs in my boxers just to see the gruesome scene. C (my younger cousin) just stood there in all his manly cowardliness, gee.

8. I yelled at my mum to stop hitting poor Apple :( I tried coaxing Apple and she let go of poor Jem for awhile, then she grabbed Jem by her derriere. (My dog was tied to the gate by the way if you're wondering why she didn't make her escape.)

9. Mum started crying and my heart sank. Then I saw the hose, grabbed it and turned it on. Just my luck; the water pressure at that point was pretty low. I sprayed Apple anyway, talking to her the whole time. My mum had reached a point of hysteria already .

10. Apple turned around and walked towards me. I took that opportunity to grab hold of her head. And hug her. LOL In a bear hug. Thankfully, she played along. (She's like one of our pets by the way. Except that she lives a wall away. LOL.) Okay so, mum managed to loosen Jem by that time.

11. Jem ran loose and Apple heard and Jem actually wanted to attack Apple :/ Really bitchy dogs. I ran toward Jem, carried her and screamed at my house helper to open up the wooden door. I threw Jem in on time and managed to leash Apple. I tied her to the gate.

12. Mum kept apologizing and petting Apple for freaking out and hitting her with a broom :/

13. Waited for my neighbor to come collect Apple.

14. After everything, I calmed mum down and rushed Jem to the vet after giving her some sugar water for consumption.

Moral of this long story is: Negligent pet owners should be banned. Every kind of animal that is going to be a pet needs love and care. Dog owners especially need to be extra responsible for their pets.

That brings us to the next story, Mister Yip. He was a 74 year-old Subang resident; mauled to death by a pit bull. The absolute best part of the story is that, the dog's owner can't even identify her pet's breed. In some interviews, she mentions that it is a pit bull; however, SPCA has mentioned that the dog was not actually a pit bull but a bull terrier. In this case, the cause of it all happening is obviously the owner's negligence.

This is Woffle (she's 4 now) :) Dropping by to say a shy hello. She doesn't like her pictures to be taken :P

Dogs like humans too have feelings and temperaments. To every case of a dog gone bad, is a negligent, irresponsible human behind it. Why do you think Apple managed to get out of her house and maul my dog?? Her owner forgot to close the gate properly. As simple as that. Us humans like to have fun too. Imagine being cooped up all the time. I can just imagine the exhilaration Apple felt when she bounded out of her house compound. I think the endorphins drove her to such wild deeds. LOL. She was a very depressed dog though. My neighbor used to give us the keys to her house and we went in to play with Apple. She's really a darling. 

Same goes to the little Bull terrier that mauled the old man to death. It must've been trained to attack OR the owner simply didn't train it well enough. It might have been as depressed as Apple OR something might have triggered a reaction as big as a murder instinct in it. It might have not gotten enough exercise and was cooped up thus, when it escaped became an aggressive creature. Any living thing if cooped up for too long would eventually become wild and unrestrained when released. Why should the dog suffer the consequence?? I personally think the owner should be tried in court under Section 304 (a) for the penal code for causing death by negligence. Why make the dog suffer; why euthanize it when it can be rehabilitated?? It just isn't fair innit. Help this little dog by voicing out your opinions to any media in Malaysia. Don't allow it to suffer because of its owner's irresponsibility.

In conclusion: Dogs like humans HAVE emotions. They require a lot of TLC, and of course, exercise and lots and lots of cuddles and walks. Negligence turns dogs into monsters (like humans). They have mood swings and tempers too. Oh and of course, they love to be talked to. NEVER EVER neglect your dog, all dog owners out there. They love you more than they love themselves :)

-The dog lover- 

Disclaimer: I checked Apple after the incident to ensure that she was not harmed at all. She was in perfect condition. My mum hit her out of sheer anxiety and fear, mum loves Apple as much as she loves our dogs. She's one of ours.

A hello from me :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Of politics and Newton.

I'm really tempted to use all kinds of profanities to express my disdain towards the current government but of course. Who'd be taken seriously after that?? :) 

I've been sorely tempted to write earlier on the Bersih issue. So many other issues cropped up and sort of threatened to steal the limelight away from Bersih, no?? I think what many people confuse are the fine lines separating the parliament, constitution and of course, the government. So Patrick Henry says, "The constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people. It is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." Wise words, I must say. Who is Patrick Henry, you might ask?? He was (yes was, he died a long time ago. Existed in the time of the "ruins", somewhere between the 17th-18th century) a politician from Virginia, known for his boldness and his courage in leading people towards the light, he promoted human rights along with independence. His other most famous quote was, "give me liberty, or give me death." American students would know him for his "righteous" acts in leading the rebels (opposition) against the government in the Stamp Act along with famous Thomas Paine and of course, Samuel Adams. My American History lecturer would be so "proud" of me :/ I didn't waste her precious breath. LOL. 

So anyway, what does Patrick Henry's quotes have to do with a tiny country like Malaysia who has just started taking baby steps toward a revolution/enlightenment?? 

If you ask me, I'd say we are well on our way to establishing a very rigid dictated authoritarian regime-led government. Egypt and Libya have started with the overthrowing of their leaders. Most people would say, "aahh ungrateful rats." But after all, don't we just strive for a few things in common, transparency, happiness and a less dictated life where we don't have to live in constant fear of the ISA (in Malaysia) or the race card games being thrown against us?? I think the Bersih rally was eye-opening and of course, it puts our current government in fear of an overthrowing. The leaders of UMNO have been quoted, saying, "The opposition has already gotten a few of the states. What more do they want??" I don't think they REALLY get the point of it all. Or maybe they're just good at being the evasive finks they are.

The Bersih rally was never aimed at overthrowing the current government. All the people want is a good, clean, less corrupt round of elections. The whole point of it was to lobby for fair elections. Tell me, is that really wrong?? Why do you think such a huge number of people went for the rally?? It wasn't a fun rave, people were sprayed with tear gas and fired with strong gushes of water from water cannons. The police were being humongous bullies too. Isn't that eye-opening enough?? When such a huge dissatisfaction comes out in the open, isn't that enough to make a statement?? It isn't that the people are being all ratty and whining about the way things are today. It is BECAUSE our leaders have broken our trust in them. They often stray and digress away from all things true. 

What they should know is that, when such a huge group of people come together to voice their dissatisfaction, it isn't an anarchy. It isn't a threat to overthrow (it might be but why the paranoia when the government claims in all its self-righteousness that it has done nothing wrong and that everything can be validated??), it isn't an act of the prodigal characteristic in each and every one of us and it certainly isn't an act of rebelliousness. 

What the leaders should know that every action has a consequence. They should understand that the severe rippling of dissatisfaction among the general public is in fact a consequence, a butterfly effect of the stones they have been skimming across the water. Lastly, they should reread Newton's second and third laws which are VERY MUCH applicable in a case such as this. 

Newton's second and third laws state that:

The acceleration a of a body is parallel and directly proportional to the net force F and inversely proportional to the mass m, i.e., F = ma.:   AND

The mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal, opposite and co linear.

I'll be back for more ;)
