Friday, June 29, 2012


Whirr goes my laptop fan on my bed. Oh the stagnation of life sometimes.

On a brighter note; X-ed a number of people out from my life. Yup, as R says, clear out the dead wood. (A genius I used to know.) It does feel a whole lot better now anyway.

Can't wait for 2013. As cliche as it sounds. Have a little going on for me now; maybe I need more :)


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Of buggers, burgers and Ambiga.

Hello readers!! :D Didn't know what picture to put so I put one of myself. Ahem, excuses for vanity. ANYWAY.

Who opens up a burger stall in front of someone else's home and violates their privacy to 'punish' them??

UMNO/BN rookies of course.

There were multiple reports on various sites talking about IKHLAS opening up a burger stall in front of Datuk Ambiga's house. These petty traders complain of unrealistically HUGE losses they suffered because of the Bersih- 'the clean and fair elections protest' on the 28th of April. The traders gathered outside Datuk Ambiga's house (some dressed in Barisan National uniforms) for the burger protest. They even offered Ambiga some burgers although they know she is vegetarian. They also hung a burger on her gate, which was later removed by her bodyguard.

Is it even reasonable in the first place?? They say that because of the Bersih rally, they had to shut down their stalls for A DAY. The amount they want to claim back for compensation?? 200, 000 Malaysian dollars.

They say that their losses in A SINGLE DAY amounted up to 200 000 dollars?? They've got to be kidding. The best part of all this, is that our dear Malaysian police that fired tear gas and pepper-laced water from high pressured water cannons into the Bersih rally-goers are not doing anything about this pandemonium outside Datuk Ambiga's house. 

Is that even fair?? 

1. How offensive!! The traders obviously knew that Datuk Ambiga is a vegetarian. Do they want to provoke the very staunch members of PETA who are vegetarians as well?? :)

2. Who on earth is THAT stupid to close down food stalls on a day that is going to be exploding with a multitude of people?? They either are (a) plain stupid or (b) government cronies who are obviously idiots as well or (c) just too stupid to not understand how a business works. Don't we all know that, when an opportunity arises, grab it?? I mean, the Bersih rally was a GOLDEN opportunity. The streets were filled with throngs of people.  And people obviously get hungry AND thirsty after walking, sweating etc.

3. The location of the protest. This is absolute irrelevance. They held the 'burger protest' directly outside Datuk Ambiga's house. That is a blatant invasion of one's privacy. It can also be viewed as a security threat as Datuk Ambiga cannot leave her house without any harassment. She's a lawyer. I bet she could sue all of them in the blink of an eye for violation, distress, criminal/malicious intent and of course, damage to property, and criminal threat. These people should understand that Datuk Ambiga has a family and to cause her THAT amount of distress is just not a very reasonable thing to do, especially when donning government uniforms.

4. They are angry and rioting over the fact that Datuk Ambiga has international backup, BECAUSE she is a lawyer. I think their basis of argument is very invalid and in a debate, it is considered a clash or an overlapping of points where one side does not see the other side's point of view (pov).

Datuk Ambiga's point of hosting Bersih was for clean, fair and reformed elections. These petty traders who are obviously government cronies (let's call them GC*), obviously do not see her point and now they want to dive into this already blown up pandemonium with a DIFFERENT DIMENSION altogether and say that because of Bersih, they incurred a huge loss. Now that doesn't make sense. As I stated in number 2 above. What does Ambiga's international backup have to do with a loss they've incurred?? You see?? Any reasonable sense in the matter??

Another basis of their argument is that Ambiga's rally was illegal. Aren't they doing the EXACT same thing, except that it's worse?? Bersih did not invade any privacy. In this burger protest, the residents of Jalan Setiakasih are affected as there are a throng of people there, reporters too of course. Unwanted attention. The president of IKHLAS has been recorded stating that he hopes she feels the effect of their protest if ever the residents face any difficulties/emergencies. Isn't that malicious intent?? Aren't the law enforcers supposed to be doing something about it??

The president of IKHLAS (a stupid, confused brain damaged idiot who lacks intellect) said that he and his GC*s wouldn't hesitate to block the whole street with their stalls in order to get back the money they lost on the 28th of May. Isn't that a threat in itself?? They're blackmailing Ambiga to compensate the loss that isn't even in existence. He argues and tells the media that all traders should not vote for the opposition in the upcoming elections!! GC* much?? Bersih lasted for a day and these idiots plan to block the whole of Ambiga's residential area for up to 2 weeks if she does not pay back the sum of the loss they incurred. 

It's just plain nonsense. Illogical and unreasonable. And the law enforcers should do something about it. Not just sit back and enjoy the whole commotion. 

Long live, Ambiga.

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Dogs and murder.

This is my beautiful mini Spitz (or so I think), Jem :) She's in her "hey, I want some pets please" position. She's 5 this year :)

Another cloyingly cute picture of her.

The above two pictures are also of Jem but after she got into a fight with my neighbor's Rottweiller. She practically got mauled, Jem's a pretty tiny dog.

This is Apple (weird name for a huge dog I know), my neighbor's adorable big dog.

Contrary to popular belief, all dogs have aggressive instincts in them. I personally believe that there is no such thing as certain breeds of dogs being more prone to snaps than others. Size and sinew do matter of course. As they say; it's a dog eat dog world. 

Anyway, the incident that happened where my dog got into a brawl with my neighbor's dog was so uncalled for. (Warning: It's lengthy.) It happened like this: The chronology of unfortunate events-

1. My mother who loves dogs happened to see a little (or big) black tail bobbing on one side of my gate. Her heart sank. Her first thought was, "Please don't let it be Apple." (Apple-my neighbor's Rottweiller has been attacking some of my neighborhood dogs. I live in a society where dogs make our worlds go round. LOL.) 

2. She checked my neighbor's and saw that the outer gate was open.

3. She called my younger cousin, C to go out with her on a wild goose chase in an attempt to chase Apple back into her house.

4. Mum went to the other gate (we have 2 gates to my house) and opened it with the remote. (She didn't see Apple on this side of the gate.)

5. Apple rushed in and attacked Jem.

6. Mum screamed bloody murder and began hitting Apple with a broom (she managed to break it) and started looking for more weapons to hit poor Apple with. The whole time, Jem's head was in Apple's massive jaws mind you. Her head believe it or not can be fitted into Apple's jaws all the way to her neck. I hope you follow.

7. I woke up in time to hear the screaming and commotion. I rushed downstairs in my boxers just to see the gruesome scene. C (my younger cousin) just stood there in all his manly cowardliness, gee.

8. I yelled at my mum to stop hitting poor Apple :( I tried coaxing Apple and she let go of poor Jem for awhile, then she grabbed Jem by her derriere. (My dog was tied to the gate by the way if you're wondering why she didn't make her escape.)

9. Mum started crying and my heart sank. Then I saw the hose, grabbed it and turned it on. Just my luck; the water pressure at that point was pretty low. I sprayed Apple anyway, talking to her the whole time. My mum had reached a point of hysteria already .

10. Apple turned around and walked towards me. I took that opportunity to grab hold of her head. And hug her. LOL In a bear hug. Thankfully, she played along. (She's like one of our pets by the way. Except that she lives a wall away. LOL.) Okay so, mum managed to loosen Jem by that time.

11. Jem ran loose and Apple heard and Jem actually wanted to attack Apple :/ Really bitchy dogs. I ran toward Jem, carried her and screamed at my house helper to open up the wooden door. I threw Jem in on time and managed to leash Apple. I tied her to the gate.

12. Mum kept apologizing and petting Apple for freaking out and hitting her with a broom :/

13. Waited for my neighbor to come collect Apple.

14. After everything, I calmed mum down and rushed Jem to the vet after giving her some sugar water for consumption.

Moral of this long story is: Negligent pet owners should be banned. Every kind of animal that is going to be a pet needs love and care. Dog owners especially need to be extra responsible for their pets.

That brings us to the next story, Mister Yip. He was a 74 year-old Subang resident; mauled to death by a pit bull. The absolute best part of the story is that, the dog's owner can't even identify her pet's breed. In some interviews, she mentions that it is a pit bull; however, SPCA has mentioned that the dog was not actually a pit bull but a bull terrier. In this case, the cause of it all happening is obviously the owner's negligence.

This is Woffle (she's 4 now) :) Dropping by to say a shy hello. She doesn't like her pictures to be taken :P

Dogs like humans too have feelings and temperaments. To every case of a dog gone bad, is a negligent, irresponsible human behind it. Why do you think Apple managed to get out of her house and maul my dog?? Her owner forgot to close the gate properly. As simple as that. Us humans like to have fun too. Imagine being cooped up all the time. I can just imagine the exhilaration Apple felt when she bounded out of her house compound. I think the endorphins drove her to such wild deeds. LOL. She was a very depressed dog though. My neighbor used to give us the keys to her house and we went in to play with Apple. She's really a darling. 

Same goes to the little Bull terrier that mauled the old man to death. It must've been trained to attack OR the owner simply didn't train it well enough. It might have been as depressed as Apple OR something might have triggered a reaction as big as a murder instinct in it. It might have not gotten enough exercise and was cooped up thus, when it escaped became an aggressive creature. Any living thing if cooped up for too long would eventually become wild and unrestrained when released. Why should the dog suffer the consequence?? I personally think the owner should be tried in court under Section 304 (a) for the penal code for causing death by negligence. Why make the dog suffer; why euthanize it when it can be rehabilitated?? It just isn't fair innit. Help this little dog by voicing out your opinions to any media in Malaysia. Don't allow it to suffer because of its owner's irresponsibility.

In conclusion: Dogs like humans HAVE emotions. They require a lot of TLC, and of course, exercise and lots and lots of cuddles and walks. Negligence turns dogs into monsters (like humans). They have mood swings and tempers too. Oh and of course, they love to be talked to. NEVER EVER neglect your dog, all dog owners out there. They love you more than they love themselves :)

-The dog lover- 

Disclaimer: I checked Apple after the incident to ensure that she was not harmed at all. She was in perfect condition. My mum hit her out of sheer anxiety and fear, mum loves Apple as much as she loves our dogs. She's one of ours.

A hello from me :)

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Of politics and Newton.

I'm really tempted to use all kinds of profanities to express my disdain towards the current government but of course. Who'd be taken seriously after that?? :) 

I've been sorely tempted to write earlier on the Bersih issue. So many other issues cropped up and sort of threatened to steal the limelight away from Bersih, no?? I think what many people confuse are the fine lines separating the parliament, constitution and of course, the government. So Patrick Henry says, "The constitution is not an instrument for the government to restrain the people. It is an instrument for the people to restrain the government." Wise words, I must say. Who is Patrick Henry, you might ask?? He was (yes was, he died a long time ago. Existed in the time of the "ruins", somewhere between the 17th-18th century) a politician from Virginia, known for his boldness and his courage in leading people towards the light, he promoted human rights along with independence. His other most famous quote was, "give me liberty, or give me death." American students would know him for his "righteous" acts in leading the rebels (opposition) against the government in the Stamp Act along with famous Thomas Paine and of course, Samuel Adams. My American History lecturer would be so "proud" of me :/ I didn't waste her precious breath. LOL. 

So anyway, what does Patrick Henry's quotes have to do with a tiny country like Malaysia who has just started taking baby steps toward a revolution/enlightenment?? 

If you ask me, I'd say we are well on our way to establishing a very rigid dictated authoritarian regime-led government. Egypt and Libya have started with the overthrowing of their leaders. Most people would say, "aahh ungrateful rats." But after all, don't we just strive for a few things in common, transparency, happiness and a less dictated life where we don't have to live in constant fear of the ISA (in Malaysia) or the race card games being thrown against us?? I think the Bersih rally was eye-opening and of course, it puts our current government in fear of an overthrowing. The leaders of UMNO have been quoted, saying, "The opposition has already gotten a few of the states. What more do they want??" I don't think they REALLY get the point of it all. Or maybe they're just good at being the evasive finks they are.

The Bersih rally was never aimed at overthrowing the current government. All the people want is a good, clean, less corrupt round of elections. The whole point of it was to lobby for fair elections. Tell me, is that really wrong?? Why do you think such a huge number of people went for the rally?? It wasn't a fun rave, people were sprayed with tear gas and fired with strong gushes of water from water cannons. The police were being humongous bullies too. Isn't that eye-opening enough?? When such a huge dissatisfaction comes out in the open, isn't that enough to make a statement?? It isn't that the people are being all ratty and whining about the way things are today. It is BECAUSE our leaders have broken our trust in them. They often stray and digress away from all things true. 

What they should know is that, when such a huge group of people come together to voice their dissatisfaction, it isn't an anarchy. It isn't a threat to overthrow (it might be but why the paranoia when the government claims in all its self-righteousness that it has done nothing wrong and that everything can be validated??), it isn't an act of the prodigal characteristic in each and every one of us and it certainly isn't an act of rebelliousness. 

What the leaders should know that every action has a consequence. They should understand that the severe rippling of dissatisfaction among the general public is in fact a consequence, a butterfly effect of the stones they have been skimming across the water. Lastly, they should reread Newton's second and third laws which are VERY MUCH applicable in a case such as this. 

Newton's second and third laws state that:

The acceleration a of a body is parallel and directly proportional to the net force F and inversely proportional to the mass m, i.e., F = ma.:   AND

The mutual forces of action and reaction between two bodies are equal, opposite and co linear.

I'll be back for more ;)


Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Does it matter?

LOL That's Dribble in the picture. Huge now.

People these days just blow everything out of proportion. The number one issue we constantly hear idiots ramble on and on about is the issue of religion. I was just reading RPK's site. Firstly, congratulations to you, RPK for your 39th year of marriage to Marina. And of course, your posts about religion and how idiots blow it all out of proportion are simply delightful. 

The first major issue that is taking place in Malaysia: The battle of religions. Does it really matter; Muslims or Christians??

Another issue was the protests of scholars in the Dataran Merdeka recently that drew a lot of flak from people. And with that, very malicious vicious comments by people who do NOT know what they talk about because they seem to not have any form of defense or backup when questioned.

Miffed. Will blog more later.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Dear Jovi. (In memory of a very dear friend.)

Dear Jovi,

It was a huge shock when I found out you left us on Tuesday. Lynn was the one who informed me and I was away hence, I couldn't attend your funeral. 
I know you are in a better place now where you do not need dialysis and transfusions anymore.
I miss all those grasshopper moments and all those times we had fun with Lynn, Nicole, Doreen; driving Mrs A up and down the walls. 
I remember the snail you gave me; it ate up some of my math book. I had a good laugh and we got a caning after that for bringing animals to class.
I know that all of us will miss your funny jokes and your stupid faces; you cracked us up all the time.
I remember the time you worked in McDonald's and my mum said, "WOW a Chinese working here" as a joke. We all had fond memories with you.
You left too suddenly. Lynn and I thought you'd grow up with us. It's horrible losing one of us.
I remember the Stitch moments; do you know that Lynn is still called Stitch to this very day??

I miss those times where we fought to sit with each other in Mrs A's classes. I remember how we lost contact for a few years when we hit high school.
And then you got my number again after that, somehow. And you used to cheer me up. Invite me over when you baked your sugar-free cakes.
I can't imagine how you lived such a disciplined life without sugar and you're one of my best sugar-loving friends.
Chico is going to miss you. It's funny though that you gave your snakes away before this. You were so attached to them. Now I understand that maybe you had your reasons :)
I remember how you used to make jokes about how puberty took longer to hit you. Your voice never really did crack properly did it now.
You tried almost everything before you left. Your secrets are safe with me. I remember asking you how this and that felt when we were younger.

I hope that you're looking at us now and smiling and thinking what fools we are to mourn over our loss. Selfish fools because you have gone to a better place. It's crazy how you were the only one who didn't see me as such a freak and weirdo. You fed my weirdness with all those funny animals you gave me.
I will never forget the times you got me in trouble because you asked me for help; you used to have a crush on Lynn :) And she found you obnoxious for that. She still loves you though; you've always been our dear friend.
Anyway, this is a tribute to you; you'll always be in our hearts.

You were the first to exclaim over my tarantula-Midnight and you called her a beauty; she loves you for that :)
I will never forget the funny times we had together.
You even wanted to get me a ferret, you said you were dying for one :) We all miss you Jovi.
Goodbye, dear friend.


Monday, January 30, 2012


Yup, rape. This is a slight rant-ish, informative post.

Oftentimes when we hear of rape, we think, "Oh the girl deserved it. She must have been skimpily dressed." Or, "She must have been promiscuous-looking." In actual fact, rape is a very serious issue. It is a blatant violation (a sexual assault) of one's body that can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime; regardless of race, gender, age, or physical attractiveness. All a rapist looks for is OPPORTUNITY. Don't be like the masses who always assume that rape "must have happened because the victim deserved it." Yes, statistics show that even an alarming number of males get raped. Rape is NOT a crime of passion; it is more an act of lust,anger, the fetish of controlling and violence. It is an act of utter derogatory humiliation in which the attacker thinks that he/she has the upper hand. It is disgusting.

Myths to be busted when it comes to rape.

1. Men cannot be raped. (This comes first in my rape myth list simply because men are usually less aware of it than women. It is a gender stereotype.) 

According to the 'Bureau of Justice statistics', there were approximately 20, 000 sexual assaults of males aged 12 and above in the United States alone in 1991. And the statistics rise annually. I personally know of one or two male rape victims who have been assaulted sexually by someone they know; usually a male family member. One of my male friends was raped by his own cousin when he was very young. It especially happens in Arab/African countries where the males dominate more (I know this because I have friends from there who enlighten me.) Also, there are quite a number of cases now, where mothers rape their own sons out of sexual frustration and anger. 

2. You can't tell a rapist from the way he looks.

Anyone you know could be a rapist. Your father, grandfather, mother, brother, ANYONE. A rapist could be a doctor, lawyer, judge, policeman, teacher, etc. Rapists are almost usually married, with children. They usually also are friendly, normal and non-threatening.

3. Women usually fantasize about being raped.

This is where YOU come in wrongly. Yes, there are women who enjoy being bound, and all the S&M, BDSM types and styles BUT they are always willing. No woman/man ever fantasizes about being sexually assaulted to the point of being mentally traumatized or shaken up that she/he cannot go about his/her daily life.

4. A man cannot rape his wife.

So what if a man is legally bound to his wife?? That does not make her his slave or his animal that he can just violate her body. Also, vice versa for men since women have become very dominant in certain parts now; to the point of abusing their husbands. 

5. Sexual assault usually occurs between strangers.

Estimation has shown that over 70 % of rape victims know their attackers. The rapists are usually friends, family members, co-workers etc. 

6. Rape only happens to attractive/ "sexy young women".

Rape can happen to anyone, regardless. (As aforementioned.) It is never usually because of the way the victim is dressed; it is more towards the vulnerability and the opportunities available. Age, social class, ethnic groups, have no bearings on how the victims are chosen. It is usually how much the victim can be coerced or intimidated. 

Taken from The Federal Bureau of Investigations and the National Crime Survey.

7. Only women and gay men get raped.

The majority of rapists as well as the victims are heterosexual. Straight. Male rape is not homosexual rape. Rapists are oftentimes not driven by lust. They are driven by their disgusting need to feel in control of the other person. They are driven by the desire to have the upper hand over the victim. This turns them on, stimulates them more than actual lustful passions. There are many more male victims who do not report these assaults for fear of humiliation. 

8. Women ASK for it because of the way they dress.

How then do you explain male rape?? The way they dress?? A woman can be clad in a full purdah or a full body covering including a head scarf and still be a rape victim. As mentioned again and again in this post, rapists do not look at how "pretty" or sexy the victim is, but more of how vulnerable they are. 

9. Women incite men to rape.

Rapes are almost always planned. A rapist is usually not an impulsive person, he/she acts really carefully and plots many devious ways on how to go about it. 

10. Victims should "just get over it".

It isn't that simple. The phobia and the fear of it happening again; flashbacks, they are all very disturbing. 

In conclusion, rape can happen to both the sexes, sexy women are not the targets of rape, rapists pick victims based on vulnerability, and rape is a very serious offence.

Nik Aziz should stop saying that "WOMEN DESERVE TO BE RAPED." It is a very disgusting statement. He should educate himself, along with all the other closed-minded politicians who are such derogatory imbeciles. Facts are, women and men are the victims, in near equal amounts. These imbeciles should stop blaming their raging hormones on women alone and dismiss rape as a minor little crime. It happens to ANYONE. Nuff' said.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Eternally young.

Greetings bloggerleprechauns :) A face shot since I hardly ever take any, or so I've been told. 

Patience is truly, seriously a virtue. Especially when it boils down to handling someone as ass-headed as me. Yup, stubbornness is really my thing. I'm so good at it I won't budge for a mean million dollars.

So, how's life for you?? :) What generates life anyway?? 
I'm almost on the brink of starvation (I'm exaggerating) but I'm too lazy to walk down for a bowl of noodles or some cookies. Ugh.

Anyway, today's post- A BBC news reporter has written about signs of ageing (research by Doctors James Kirkland and Jan Van Deursen)  being halted in the lab. Of course, no one ever wants to get old. 
James Gallagher, health reporter-BBC.
"Will it be possible to stop ageing one day??"

The answer is-Maybe. Perhaps. Perhaps one fine day, all the old people in the world would be oozing 'pulchritudinous'. Oh and the weather is SUDORIFIC. Phew* Father Sun must enjoy beaming down. Okay, digressions.

Retired cells accumulate naturally with age. Old age causes a human to start look like a shriveled prune with white gonad eyes (okay, maybe gonad wasn't the word) and a chimp-looking face.
However, the onset of wrinkles, muscle wasting and cataract has been delayed and even eliminated in mice, so American researchers say. How is it done?? It's done by flushing out retired cells that have stopped dividing. The target cells in this particular experiment were the 'senescent cells' which are, cells that have stopped dividing after usually about 50 times of division. These cells are usually cleared out by the immune system but they accumulate in the body over time. So what scientists did with the lab mice was to feed them 'the drug' and they would miraculously stop ageing so rapidly. Ageing in the lab mice was dramatically delayed. This could actually be a new revolution for mankind; if the process of old age could be slowed down. The drug (name unknown for now) works like an anti-ageing (not lifespan prolonging mind you) magical elixir. There also was muscle improvement in the mice that were fed the drug. 

Doctor James Kirkland and Doctor Jan Van Deursen told the BBC when interviewed that they were very surprised by the effects of the drug. However, this drug is not lifespan prolonging (although it might improve the quality of life), it just is a pre-study of what could really turn about in the future IF we continue to play with phenotypes and drugs altering them.

On a sad note, the Science world mourns 2 deaths this year; the death of Steven Rawlings-an astrophysicist and professor at Oxford uni, and Ahmadi-Roshan, a nuclear scientist; whose people (Iranians) believe that he was targeted and shot by members of the CIA. 

Sigh, conspiracy theories.

On a lighter note, I got to eat my noodles :) With a healthy dollop of Bovril and oats. Yummy.
Oh and I got my drawing mojo back a little. LOL I did a Mahathir/Bean caricature, whichever you think it is. 

Toodle loo.

P.s# The study was published here:

Friday, January 13, 2012


Everybody seems to be going up but me. No matter how hard I try.

2 options for me. Whine, cry and pine over it.
Or, try harder and get a grip.

I think I choose the latter. I'll try harder. Although getting a grip is hard. When no matter how hard I try, nobody seems to understand. Build my fortresses higher. My new aim: Become indispensable.

When everything else seems impermanent.

When everything else seems to fade, I shall remain as who I am. Stronger, wiser, more patient.
All it needs I guess, is patience. And perseverance. 

Friday, January 6, 2012

Facades (Part I).

For some reason, I found this highly fascinating. 

The US Treasury is now the IMF. 
(Presidential documents, volume 29-no.4, page 113, 22 U.S.C. 285-288)

What does it tell you when a huge country's main banking system is actually the World Bank itself?? Government paychecks etc in the US come directly from the IMF. I didn't know that until now. Maybe I'm oblivious but I doubt many Americans would know this too. LOL.

I think all debt slaves running in the puny little rat races we sometimes call life, should actually know these facts; documented with proof. 

The IMF is and agency of the UN. 
(Black's Law Dictionary 6th Edition, page 816.)

So many questions running through my head. Where would the Secretary of the US treasury's (currently, Timothy Geithner) loyalties lie?? Also, a lot of worrying stuff circulating in the masses innit. Portugal is debt-riddled to levels that are rather perturbing. Just as expected, Greece took a massive tumble downhill. Just last November, it was stated that "nobody" is running the country (referring to Greece.) 

Two countries blackmailed Athens, on the 3rd of November last year (just a month or so back) into abandoning a referendum for fear of it bringing down the single currency. Germany And France. We all go about our daily lives and all these minute little things could actually cause eruptions in the food chains that we live in. Amazing innit. We'd all somehow be indirectly affected by it sooner or later. Are we living in a facade?? :)

Also, think about it. If all US government paychecks come from the IMF, there aren't really any American employees innit. Since none of them actually owe it to the United States itself, they rely on UN for their living. 

Oh and if you thought the CIA or the FBI were part of the US government, nuh uh; it ain't true. The US government merely held stocks in them.

Something to read, the Greek Crisis; which of course, eventually will have a toll on the rest of us small beings. Europe is crumbling slowly, the US, just a facade. Wooters.

-Epiphanic author-

Recollections and good stuff of 2011.

It's funny how when yesteryear comes to a 'now', we become all nostalgic.
Oh well, a collection of the good times I had yesteryear. 

Yeah, I had a Minaj moment which I regretted the moment I looked at the bangs I cut for myself. LOL.

 Tyra smiling upside down.

Midnight, my Brachypelma Boehmei tarantula grew more.

My first ever time on a road trip, to Port Dickson with friends. Meet Karmen (in pink) and Veshinu the guy on the left and Adrian, behind me. 

I had my wisdom teeth operated out. I sorta got addicted to the pain of extracting my teeth since I had a lot extracted (small mouth, too many teeth) from the time I had my braces done.

The four pictures above are of really really delicious food my gammy cooked for my relatives from the UK when they came here. She's a Nyonya which explains the curries and spicy looking dish of chicken (in the last picture). The vegetable dish is a mesh of turnips, long beans and carrots. Absolutely mouth-watering. Gammy's the best cook I swear.

And of course, a special outing with my busy bestie of 9 years. Yup, emphasis on the years of bestfriendship. LOL.

And I got this awesome read from Singapore. His latest; one of his most awesome books so far.

A funny shot of us in the MRT station in Singapore. From left: Me, gammy (don't be fooled, she's 73!!), Lil and Calvin (cousin).

Still hung up on a lot, had a great yesteryear. 


Accomplishments of 2012.

Yeah, surprise surprise, I baked a good batch of cookies!! Which is something somewhat new to me, and kind of pleasant. HAHA I never knew how to bake. 

Why, you may ask?? Firstly, I am a major klutz. So burning myself comes along with baking. Secondly, I am a little afraid of the huge roaring oven (I used my mum's old mini oven this time). Thirdly, I always somehow manage to put in a little too much butter. 

My cookies turned out well this time though. And I didn't even have any help from my dad or Lil (my sister) and WHEE!! Here's a picture, feast on the drool worthiness of my lovingly baked cookies. LOL. The green and red stuff are little preserved cherries and of course, I put in some almonds although I'm not a fan of nuts. (I'm a nut myself.)

So, so?? The verdict?? :P They were rated a 6/10 which is not THAT bad since it's my first ever time baking like this. Well, not really first but the last two times were with Lil and dad and dad is just a bad cookie supervisor so I technically wouldn't count those 'experiences' in as my previous batches were umm, manhandled. LOL.

Another accomplishment, I toned up a little. Yay!! And I recently discovered my undying love for vintage styles again.

If I could rewrite my life, I'd be counting the stars with Lennon. And YOU of course. With my bestie too, and her boyfriend. That would be pure subliminal bliss.

My hippie-ness reaches levels unwarranted. Haha, signing off,
80s pinup wannabe.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

2012 finally.

Happy New Year :)

I had an awesome one with fine people. I love you all, so much :) (The bunch.)
Anyway, this is the first post of 2012. Hope you all had wonderful New Year celebrations, bloggerloves. 

Contented. Irrevocably. 

2012 is going to be great. I feel it in my "lunner".

Lots of love,