Saturday, August 31, 2013

Syria, Mortal Kombat and an ode to Tesla (I).

Firstly, a shout out to my Polish and German blogvisitormunchies :)

So, in today's crazy world that is heading towards destruction (doomsayer, I am not), it is the "norm" for political infiltration and severe meddling and interference.

"If the world continues going the way it is going, it'll have an expiry date real soon."  -S-

We're a couple of pickles. Duckface and retard.
Picture of E and I before our competition. 

Anyhow, back to the story line. I digress too much. Why is the world shattering in all its glory?? The world, believe it or not, is controlled by ONE group. A certain group whose identities are never and can never be blown. An elite group of elitists who are really the puppeteers steering their way in the world's highways through marionettes. 

I'm pretty sure you've heard it all. Freemasonry, the Illuminati, Reptilians, etc. But if those are just wickedly cool conspiracy theories, then WHAT is the real truth?? Truth be said, the real terrorists aren't really the people from the Middle East. Or the Muslims. Who infiltrates other nations with such veto powered mindsets and force?? Who controls the whole of the global economy (without their own national banking system) and tells others WHAT terrorism is?? Who controls most of the mass media (thank goodness for the Internet and freedom of speech) and creates subliminal messages in every dimension possible?? 

Umm, the U.S of course. 

Let's start with Syria. Since the end of World War II, the Americans have tried VERY hard to overthrow more than 50 governments. They have built their reigns in quite a few populist nations now. What with all that bullshit about Kony and "military intervention" in Uganda and stuff like that. Like Sonia Blade from Mortal Kombat says, "If I need backup, I will radio for it." You think those "poor besotted" countries need janitors or nannies to clear their messes and wipe off sour milk with clean bibs?? Nobody really likes their dirty lined washed in public. The mass media portrays Muslims as terrorists and such. S is from Pakistan. The Taliban movement is pretty rampant there and bombs are quite "the norm" there, these days. But really, the people who work for the Taliban ARE NOT THE REAL DEAL. Many have been caught and interrogated and it has been found that they do not speak Urdu OR Farsi, most come from Eastern Europe. Yup, you read it right.

What the West is trying to do is commit a "legal genocide" much like how Nazism was imposed back then. Don't get me wrong. I was a fan of Barack Obama. I still do respect him but that sense of respect is diminishing, much to my astonishment. I say astonishment, because I am appalled at his weak ways of handling things. How he allows the attacks without first calculating strategies. Seriously, wanna dominate the world?? First, read up military strategies. Take up a delicious war-strategy filled autobiography and enjoy it with a piping hot cup of coffee. Sun Tzu's 'Art of War', Genghis Khan's wolf formation military advances, Hitler's manipulative stances and mind-games; you see, history repeats itself.

The U.S apparently asked Korea for nuke help and they rescinded, but of course. With all their nosy military interventions in the past century, more civilians have died than the targeted groups. You really think Syria needs the Americans' 'military intervention'?? "Go home U.S, you're drunk" would be the perfect phrase for a witty meme. I have to go slow on my thoughts. The analyses of all these happenings are like one big clump of neurotic mass ready to implode on itself {more like a nuclear fusion than a nuclear fission} to Brian (my brain if you still don't know who he is) and he is currently still handling it rather well. 

The U.S is actually handling genocide in a very polite manner. They always assure their people that "civilians will be taken care of". Why of course, they are taken care of alright. Trust me on this, the U.S use a 'divide and conquer tactic' every single time. How do they do it?? Rebels versus the good side. When the rebels strike, the U.S then rushes in with all their niceness and try to defend the people of the country, while apparently trying to minimize civilian deaths and preserve the civilian infrastructure. What they really do is play good cop, bad cop. Really, it's not that difficult to gauge their steps. (If a girl like ME could anticipate their moves, anyone can. It's like a game of chess.) Like my dad says all the time, anticipate. If you're skeptical about what I'm saying, watch a tonne of American movies/series. Rest assured, you'd understand their good cop, bad cop strategies. They play the turn friend into foe game. They play the divide and conquer game all too well.

Step one: Deploy forces, impregnate the target country with troops.

Step two: Divide the country into friend and foe, pick a side.

Easy peasy lemon squeezy. So, these are the tactics the U.S military uses with orders from their uppers. 

I guess my post is getting too lengthy and a post that requires more than five minutes of reading would most certainly bore any audience, for that matter. With that in mind, Tesla is a brilliant mind. Edison was his U.S. I'll explain that more in my next post, read on!!

Why Mortal Kombat in my title?? Analysing game plans would help anyone with understanding military strategies. Also, the Mortal Kombat movies were super fantastic. How could I have missed them :/ I missed sheer awesomeness, awesomeness since 1995. I swear, watch them, you won't regret. I have S to thank, for opening up my eyes to all this and introducing me to so many new brilliant aspects of things. It's a beautiful expansion of my horizon. I couldn't ask for more, really. He really makes me see things outside of my kaleidoscopic vision. Makes me peep outside the little bubble I store my short self in. Makes me take maturity in a whole different concept. Also, I have Mo to thank, for being my 'politicking buddy', another brilliant mind. 

P.s# I named my pet reptile (baby iguana) after the character Sheeva in Mortal Kombat. It really is something to shout about.

-The unbore-

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Nuclear weapons (DU)=Harlequin Ichthyosis.

Me after Reen's wedding.
Hello :) 

Three issues that have been on my noggin'; acid attacks on women, Harlequin Ichthyosis and rude Chinese people.

Warning: Leave this page if you don't like rants and/or graphic material.

There was a huge debate on Harlequin Ichthyosis and whether it is a result of uranium-depletion. Or depleted uranium as the scientists call it, DU. A few rather assertive articles have come up on it, the best one written by Dave Lindorff. Lindorff claims that DU DOES cause the Harlequin-type-Ichthyosis in fetuses, like what Agent Orange did.

What is Harlequin Ichthyosis, you may wonder?? Let me stimulate your senses with these pictures. They are TRAGIC and you might not be able to finish your meal (if you're reading this while eating) so be forewarned.

Disclaimer: These pictures are not mine and have been obtained from the various sources on the Internet. I am not taking any sides here but these children deserve justice.

These are not alien spawn, just very unfortunate babies. So, coming back to the point, the BIG debate, is Harlequin Ichthyosis caused or heightened by DU?? Does DU really play such an imminent role in altering human genes (the ABCA12 gene which, if mutated, causes several health conditions including Harlequin Ichthyosis) and is it really that great a catalyst??

The other big question that pops up again and again; does the United States really care about the well being of other countries?? Military assistance in Uganda, the Americans trying to catch and defame Phony Kony, being all sympathetic with war-struck countries but really, do they care?? We live in a world where everything is warped and although we have the Internet as a medium of information transfer, the information we can obtain is still highly questionable. However, with this being said, the rise in Harlequin Ichthyosis has been spotted more in Iraq and Afghanistan of recent than in any other country. 

Harlequin Ichthyosis is a type of skin disease in which the skin of the sufferer hardens because of the thickening of the keratin layer in fetal human skin. The skin of a sufferer would have large diamond-shaped scales and would tend to have a red hue. These sufferers are more prone to infections and bleed at birth. They rarely survive. This is caused by a mutation in the ABCA12 gene in humans. To Biology freaks, the ABCA 12 gene is located on the long arm of the 2nd chromosome. 

So, apparently, the Pentagon is sending out flame-agents or flamers (the Internet slang for harsh-trolling if I may) to flame on articles which write about how DU causes Harlequin Ichthyosis. They call themselves misinformation operatives. But of course. Who'd wanna look like the bad guy, right?? These Pentagon cyber 'warriors' often use ad hominems or red herrings to draw attention away from facts, using character assassination etc.

DU is used heavily in weaponry and consists of U-236 and U-238 and has been capitalized by the Pentagon. DU is used in warheads because they make ideal penetrators that can pierce thick armory and dense concrete bunkers. 

"Accordingly it has found its way into 30 mm machine gun ammunition, especially that used by the A-10 Warthog ground-attack fighter planes used extensively in Iraq and Afghanistan (as well as Kosovo). It is also the warhead of choice for Abrams tanks and is also reportedly used in GBU-28 and the later GBU-37 bunker buster bombs, each of which can have 1-2 tons of the stuff in its warhead.

DU is also used as ballast in cruise missiles, and this burns up when a missile detonates its conventional explosive. Some cruise missiles are also designed to hit hardened targets and reportedly feature DU warheads, as does the AGM-130 air-to-ground missile, which carries a one-ton penetrating warhead. In addition, depleted uranium is used in large quantities in the armor of tanks and other equipment. This material becomes a toxic source of CU pollution when these vehicles are attacked and burned." -Dave Lindorff, The Public Record-

Why of course, the Pentagon argues that the usage of DU really doesn't have any hazards. Why should the innocent Afghan and Iraqi children have to suffer because of the Americans' callous ways of dealing with things?? By the way, most of these cases were reported in Fallujah. So once again, who are the real perpetrators here?? 

Any opinions on this great debate??

DU causes many health conditions including Harlequin Ichthyosis. The definite rise in the number of cases of this health condition DEFINITELY points to something. Think about it. Scaruffi says that a scientist supporting the motion to this great debate (Gunther)'s work is sloppy. But really, HI is not genetic as these babies are being born into families that have ZERO medical history of HI. I could go on and on, but being a bore is not what I was cut out to be.

What do you think?? Fact or fallacy??

P.s# I am not supporting any sides, being a zionist or an anti-semite. Or an Islamophobe for that matter. Whatever is stated, is based on research, and a love/lust relationship with Science and politics.

-Anti war hippie-

Friday, August 9, 2013

Conspiracy theories 1 (Malaysian edition).

Before I start my rant, here's a nice picture of Heyli (my uni bestie) and I. 

Malaysia's biggest problem??


Seriously. Don't believe me?? Think again. That rat is more cunning and conniving than a mongoose trying to trap a snake or a rodent.

That man knows exactly what he's doing, where he's headed to and he has an ultimate goal, an ultimate target to which he is working towards. And we all don't know what he has in store for us. Let's call him, He Who Shall Not Be Named. HWSNBN in short. 

The cops play the blame game. It's the best time to sit back and watch this melodrama with a huge bag of popcorn. 

The cops are blaming the repeal of the EO (Emergency Ordinance) for the crazy increase in gun violence in Malaysia. When was the law repealed?? In 2011, by HWSNBN himself!! I think HWSNBN will blame the people for the repeal of the EO. He would say, "Oh the rakyat wanted the EO abolished" and so on and so forth. He loves to play word games doesn't he now. 

According to the associate professor of Criminology of the Malaysian Science University (USM), HWSNBN had indeed taken the public's words out of context, to his own convenience. What the professor said was, "We advised the government to repeal the Restricted Residences Act but to revise the EO." 
"We should have a similar law to the EO but it must come with stringent checks and balances so that there is no abuse," he added.

See?? Repeal the what?? The Restricted Residences Act and REVISE the EO. Not repeal the EO completely. According to sources who must not be mentioned, when those criminals were freed without trial two years ago, they were released on one condition. They had to vote for HWSNBN in the upcoming elections as a sort of pay-off if I may say?? Well, these are only rumours but I must say, HWSNBN is quite capable of doing that.

You don't think HWSNBN wouldn't do ANYTHING at all for money?? After AMMB Holdings founder, Bahrain-born Hussain Ahmad Najadi was shot dead just last week, HWSNBN pledged to boost resources for fighting crime. The keyword here, boost resources. Where on earth does the money really go to?? He just puts it down in the ledger book, "this sum of money for so and so" and what he really does is pocket a large amount of it. Just like any of the other BN members. For instance, scandalous Ng Yen Yen and her 1.8 million MR spent on creating that Facebook page. 

LOL. With all the ministers speaking out one by one now, I really want to see where all this is heading to. We have Zaid Ibrahim, Pak Lah himself and the ex chief of police on the 'dark side' now. Let's see who else the opposition can recruit. 

Malaysia is becoming a warzone. A democratic nation?? My buttcrack. It is a monarchy, a dictator-peasant authoritarian government-ruled state. Where religion and law have integrated so badly that the police are more focused on pouncing on people who they think or "interpret as" going against the Malaysian Islamic law. Why emphasize the Malaysian Islamic Law?? Because these people who possess power use religion as an attack ground for the public. Missiles are fired wrongly, religion misinterpreted sorely and they're really distorting it through their Nazi-coloured glasses (forgive the blatant pun.)

This is only the beginning.

-The angry Malaysian-

Thursday, August 8, 2013


Down with the flu bug. Right before my finals on Monday.

Great. Just great.

Know what else is great?? Zaid Ibrahim and his ingenious 'opium-ladled commentary' for a brain.

What else?? Ice-cream on a rainy day.

And my band. The Mashed Potatoes. Yup. I have a band called "The Mashed Potatoes". 

The Mashed Potatoes.

There you go. Us on stage. Zag, me, Esther and JuEn.

Okay, that's all.
Can't wait to perform again next semester.

-Adrenaline junkie-

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Malaysia and her vicious cycle.

Malaysia, a country so beautiful. Well-known for traffic jams, KL twin towers, good food, night life, tourist spots, beautiful people and..


Bam!! I said it. Yup. Corrupt, narcissistic politicians who are demi-Hitlers if I may say?? Or wannabe Karl Marxes?? 

Malaysia is so renown now for all the flak our leaders have drawn for us. Leaders who care more about lining their pockets than caring about the welfare of the people. Leaders who blindside people, contorting the beautiful religion of Islam along the way, just to draw followers into their thick juicy webs of lies. Utterly shameful.

Leaders like Mahathir who actually is beginning to resemble Hosni Mubarak; leaders like our very own dear prime minister who fancies himself a (cream pie) winner on "Who wants to be a millionaire??". 

With police like ours who care more about arresting an innocent Malay woman who was defamed on the Internet just because of her love for dogs. Just in the last week, so many shootings have been taking place and Malaysia is not a gun-encouraging country so THAT is rather boggling. But really, those cases are not as important as Maznah's case. Just because she loves dogs and her video was sorely misinterpreted by religious zealots and "pious" people. 

Malaysia is just getting more and more warped with all these juicy fancy twists and turns in the plots. We have Anwar on one side accused of so many crimes, Najib on the other side who COMMITS them but gets away, with all the whistle-blowers being tracked down one by one. (Olivier Metzner anyone??)

We suffer severe brain drains and our years of built, muscular, multicultural relationships are becoming sour although the recent 1Malaysia campaign has been ongoing. I personally think Mahathir's 2020 vision for Malaysia was a better ambitious target. Although he wrote about the "Malay Dilemma" when it was convenient, and now, the "Chinese Dilemma" in a very convenient time too. Words like "Chinese Tsunami", "pariahs" and "immigrants" can be thrown around fairly well and just blaspheme the name of Najib the "Almighty" and get your suicide row the next day. Any justice in our systems??

Aristotle would be turning in his grave. Over and over again. Moderation in actions, desires and emotions. What our leaders sorely lack. 

We are turning into a country of extremists. Extreme sides everywhere. The spectrum is beginning to fray. No longer existing in a long thread but discarded in shards, where only the extreme pieces aren't blown away. Rhetoric, by the way.

It is all a vicious cycle. Just discard the dead wood and you'll see.

You'll see the vicious cycle, just you wait.

The kaleidoscope will be broken and you will see through all their misdemeanors. My close friend Mohammed Elnaiem told me that whatever is happening in Malaysia is whatever happened in the past. This is the way the Brits wanted us to turn out. The British when they colonized Malaysia used the 'divide and conquer' tactic to separate us all. And they succeeded. 

Malaysia. Her vicious cycle prevails.


Malaysia for the people!! Satu Rakyat, satu negara.


Sunday, August 4, 2013

Mesh of thoughts.

Tick tock, goes the clock.

Sometimes, it gets hard to keep pace.
And all you'll ever do is wonder. "Would it have been better if I went down that road instead??" 

Control. Something we all crave for, no?? 
Damn this spillage of thoughts. All this pent up swirling of words that just come out in a euphoria of mass typing on a Vaio.

Normalcy. A funny word. Normalcy. What is it really?? Who sets the benchmark for it??

Alcohol. A happy substance. I'm a fan. It really gives you the boost you need.

Home-cooked food. I've been obsessed with home-cooked food for quite a while now. Okay, not a while. More like a week or two?? Like all my other half-hearted subservient passions, I hope this one won't dwindle as fast. I mean seriously, cooking at home is so much healthier and it does actually taste better than outside food too. I've had this crazy chef-streak going on. I can actually cook meat now!! Meat is something I really don't like handling. I hate the stench of raw meat. The sight of it is nauseating too. But I guess compact meat pates aren't so bad. It is really an obsession. I'll post a few pictures of my 'food creations' if you guys want to see what I've been experimenting with in the kitchen. 

Motivation. Something I need. Really badly. I've been a bum. I confess. A downright bum who has zero motivation whatsoever to do anything but to indulge in happy things which do not include studying. Yes, I really have to focus on my subjects this semester.

Horror. Something that keeps this adrenaline junkie happy??

Asperger's. I don't know why it sounds like ass-burgers. But it's a condition I have. It's so mild it sucks being in the middle. It's like having your right foot in a vortex and your left in the current world.

Lynn. My best friend. Always has been, always will be.

Sam. One of my favourite humans.

British English. Beats American English any day. I don't know why my Vaio keeps auto-correcting my English. I have a near perfect grasp in English linguistics. Self-proclaimed of course.

Mondays. A day we all hate. Or most of us, rather.

Monday. Today.


A recent me. Toodles.