Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Looking for the moon.

Tanna and I. 

I lie in bed, thinking.
Thoughts undulated, creep over,
Like eternal memories.
So surreal,
So life-like.
I lie waiting.

Where is the moon??
She is nowhere to be found.
Out of sight,
Out of bounds??
Feelings wash over,
The ticking of a clock.

I lie and wait.
Staring up into the crystal skies,
The night is painted.
I doze off,
Only to wake up to find,
The moon, she's still not here.

I lie in bed.
Waiting for what feels like eternity.
For the moon to come.
I had a date with her,
She stood me up.
I am looking, for the moon.

Monday, March 28, 2011


A little Japanese me :)

This country is getting too much. Out of bounds. Sex scandals of politicians being publicized. People being stripped deliberately of their freedom of speech. I mean, seriously, and I don't know who voted for the stupid people who are up there sitting at the highest seats. Forgive me, but I think Doctor Mahathir was still by far the best Prime Minister. Sometimes, you have to be frank. The truth hurts sometimes and he was the most truthful one, so blunt that he had so many enemies. But, he's the wisest, still is. At such a ripe old age, he's so capable of thinking and analyzing everything that goes on. He's the epitome of age-old wise :)

Again, sorry I haven't been on here much. So much to do, as I've been ranting in the last few posts. I hate the Malaysian education system. I think it's one of the worst in the world. My Public Speaking competition on Saturday?? It was just stupid. I'm not being a sour grape here, but I think either Jun or Melinda (my 2 girlfriends) should have gotten in to the semi finals at least. It's so cliche, everything around here; seems like the more cliche things are, the better. I spoke on Autism under the theme, "Words are not enough." Jun spoke on freedom of speech and Melinda spoke on how the environment SHOULD be conserved BUT the usage of plastic bags is not that bad a thing. So, as you can see, all three of us had twists in our "stories". Mine was autism, not a very known topic in Malaysia, Jun's and Melinda's were considered controversial. Freedom of speech here is almost non-existent. Where the government and certain people take forms of criticism as attacks. I might get into trouble for blogging like this too. They're so against people rising, they think they're always right. Sick and tired of politicians' scandals being exposed, politicians framing each other and stuff.

Also, men here really have to learn that women are not a second class gender. Some people really need to be educated on gender equality. My bestie's post angered me, where her own relatives look down on her just because she's female. Not only her, some other cultures here as well. Just because we're women, we're expected to stay at home and do house work; what century is this?? Gosh. I mean, come on!! Thank God most of us have really cool parents; cool for Asian standards though. My title says it all. The country is so called a "democratic" nation. But I think it's more of a monarchy that is cleverly disguised as a democracy. Seriously, do they think we youth of today are ignorant and stupid?? They should think twice. So many issues to address YET, they focus on mundane issues like who slept with who and who cheated on who. The media is being taken over by political parties who pull wool over our eyes. Why create robots and conformity when you can have creativity and scientists??

What I'm so mad about is that the education system does NOT award students based on qualitative results. It's all about the elections and whose party is stronger. Also very race-based. Where certain races (I shall not mention which) get a better chance of entering local universities. Out of bounds. They are breaching the public's limits. I don't know what they want, perhaps a social Libya?? Or an Egypt-like protest?? The politicians here have angered many, I shall not mention what atrocities have been committed BUT the atrocities have been shown on CNN and BBC and worldwide, we're becoming a mockery. Leaders of this country have made countries like Mongolia severe ties with us. The leaders here say, "Oh poverty is a thing of the past." YET the rich are getting richer!! And the poor and oppressed are getting poorer and poorer by the day!! Poverty a thing of the past?? There are countless times that I've seen old people lying by the roadside with nowhere to go. At night, when it's cold and raining, they take shelter under old buildings or in abandoned houses. Where is the money that's supposed to be given to support their welfare going to?? Something wrong with the rich becoming richer?? Animal welfare now is becoming a huge issue too. The group I'm following (PetPositive) is becoming a controversy too now. Just because we want to protect the rights of animals.

Again, about the unfair and biased systems. I don't think any of the judges from the STAR public speaking competition expected me to blog about them in such a negative manner. I'm really sorry but I think it was such a biased ordeal. Hello, it's time to wake up. No such thing as a global family. Sorry I'm a kill joy but the semi finalists who got in were teenagers talking about "Ohana means family" and issues like "How to make the world a better place". How much more cliche can it get?? Fairy tales don't exist. Even the original Brothers' Grimm fairy tales were of such sordid nature. Everything has a twisted side to it. Take Disney movies for instance. Break it down, decipher them, bring them down to their true forms and you'll see the true nature of it. Jun said we might have over thought our topics and perhaps we did. Seriously, talking about stuff like that allowed them to get into the final rounds?? Even in my district level public speaking competitions last time, we were required to have the 3 essential S-es. Substance, style and structure. Which none of those participants had, maybe only one or two. But they really had no facts supporting their speeches. Everything has to be 'citated'. Everything. 

I think I've said it all.


Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Goofy moments.

Behind every smile, behind every mask is a story. Oftentimes, dark and sordid. Today, my girl friend told me she was raped. She said, " I woke up not knowing what happened." It broke my heart to hear that. A case of date rape. She turned to drugs after that because drugs help her lose her memory. According to her, in her own words: I woke up not knowing what happened. 
It's a common line. Innocence is taken by force. She's not the first. I am a little squeamish about rape; I want to put it as a mental taboo. My other close friend was raped by her own uncle when she was only 8. Yeah, sometimes, dark things happen without anyone else knowing. Most rape victims are too embarrassed to report the issue. I know how it feels. It's the feeling of being trapped, feeling so dirty after that, feeling like all you want to do is end your life because you've lost your innocence. You were raped literally and you were raped of your innocence, esteem and pride as well. Hurts me to know what the people close to me go through. All I can do is to offer a listening ear and then, a silent prayer up.

Apart from that, life is alright, I guess. Too many things going on, too many exams, too many assignments. Haha I'm ranting again. My sister was upset today :( Broke my heart to see her like that. I'm not supposed to be saying anything about this but I have to rant about the absurd education system in this country. Biased and unregulated. Ppfftt. I'll tell you more later :)
I have to bathe and get ready for college :/

Sometimes, we need a regulator in life ;)

Have an awesome day :D
Lots of love,

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Born without emotion.

Hello there :P Meow*

And since I'm free, I'm going to blog AGAIN for today ;) Haha. Just to make up for all those times. I am a little high on caffeine. Yeah, it still does that to me :/ Mum still calls me a bundle. Says I still am too much for her to handle. I really don't think I'm all that bad :) Tee hee* At least I break out of norms. Ppfftt.

Oh yeah, check this out :)

She's a really big girl now :) My tarantula, Midnight. Such a pretty thing. 

I really dislike it when my friends start to have problems amongst themselves. Anyway, the weather in Malaysia has been looking VERY gloomy for the past 2 weeks or so. The weather conditions in Japan and other parts of the world must be affecting the weather here as well. It's usually "summer" all year long with a bit of rain here and there but it's really cold these days. Like "shiver me timbers" kinda cold. LOL. I love parrots saying that. One of my close friends has a Myna bird that can imitate nearly anything. Oh man :/ I have 2 assignments to hand in tomorrow and a vigorous workout to do later. I must however allow myself to blog a little first :P Blogging does help me relieve stress to a certain extend. 

Today, I want to talk about perverts, and humans born without emotions. As you all know already (I think), mum is a child psychologist. The most interesting kids that she handles are those that grow up with her. Her latest student/patient *however way you call it* Belle, is a really cute 3 year old. We've known her since she was born and mum knew she wasn't normal. Belle was born with arms shorter than a normal child and is a little slower than the average kid. The doctors said her chromosomes are a little strange with an circle around all the X chromosomes. Very "one of a kind", not many cases have been identified AND each is unique in it's own way. Psychiatrists and psychologists alike argue a lot on this, sometimes, children are born with mixed up emotions as well. Most psychiatrist argue that children born without emotions are known to have the "Borderline Personality Disorder" syndrome. Some others argue that children are NOT born this way but something traumatic stays in the frontal lobe of the brain and THAT is why they react to certain circumstances the way they do, devoid of emotion.

But what we saw first hand was different. Belle WAS indeed born this way. There are 2 very weird cases that my mum handled. One was a boy YC (I may have mentioned him before), he used to sniff chairs when they were still hot from human body temperature, he used to look at my mum in a VERY perverse manner even when he was only 10 and stuff. The worse part is that, he laughed if he got hurt/punished. Normal kids cry or react angrily to situations that YC laughed in. Mum used to think that he was exposed to porn at a very young age because his behavior sometimes WAS indeed very disturbing; we got a phone call from one of his classmates and he had "touched her" and told her not to snitch on him. So, once again, perverts are BORN and not bred. Belle is somewhat like him, minus the perverse genes raging through her blood :) There are many diagnoses to these kinds of behavioral patterns but really, none of it is proven. Some say that these kids fall in the autistic spectrum and some doctors argue that they might be psychopaths/sociopaths. No parent would want to accept the fact that their child is a pervert OBVIOUSLY. YC stopped coming to my mum and he had to be put into a private school because of his disturbing behaviors. Oh well :/ His mum was ALWAYS in denial. Until today, he rings my house JUST to "breathe down the phone line" or to "sing us a song or two". Mum's pretty worried because he's turning 16 this year and is still NOT snapping out of it. Oh well :/ Genomes.

Onces again, there are SO MANY arguments to this; it remains a mind-boggling mystery as to why some humans are born without/devoid of emotion. 
I'll stop here, ta ;)

-Lishia- *The curious mind*

Born this way.

Another Gaga picture ;)

Life. It is weird in my world :) I basically dream half the time :/ Seriously. I dream a lot when I sleep and lately, it's just been really REALLY odd dreams that pop into my head. I dream when I don't have anything to do, it's fun. I don't get bored AT ALL then. 

I dream BIG :) Yeah, call me a dreamer but I have huge dreams and plans for the future. I usually get a little passionate about something and then it dies out :/ For instance, I can't drive yet :) I have 2 more lessons to go till my driving test but I just can't seem to find the time to fit it into my busy schedule. I am a stoner. Not literally though; I find myself constantly walking about in a trance-like motion and I'm pretty much oblivious to the surroundings BUT I am very observant. It is contradictory but baby, I was born this way. Haha. My only 2 passions that have remained since "birth" are Science and Arts. Literally, Biology rocks my whole wide world. So does music and art. I love abstract pieces, of both music and art. Art as in literary pieces AND art like graphics and visuals. I love literature. Not all though but certain pieces and I sometimes feel like I can relate to quirky people in a few industries of my choice like Wolfgang and Einstein. 

Right now, I have two women I look up to, SOLELY because I think they do very well in their arenas. I usually feel the MOST confident when I'm dancing or prancing about in the wild outdoors. Being in the wild gives me a sense of balanced reciprocity, takes my mind off the worries of the fast lane. I enjoy talking to myself or rather, doing verbal thinking because it helps me think and react faster when my neurons are in overdrive. I feel the worst after eating. I hate the sluggish feelings that seem to take over.

Oh well, I'm ranting yet AGAIN.
I miss Vie :(
Alright, bye.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gaga and BMI.

Sorry I didn't blog sooner. I would blog everyday!! If only I didn't have so much to do :( I need swagger, I need style. My oh my. I am SO DOOMED. My History mid term's on Friday :/ Less than a week from now. I have a Biology assignment due on Monday AND a singing competition on Wednesday to practice for. And then, a Biology mid term on Wednesday, the same day. And then, next Saturday, I'm going for a national public speaking competition. I was warned not to "openly attack" the audience. But, I love stating the truth. And the truth hurts sometimes ;) Haha.

I was Gaga by the way, for the singing competition (last week's round). I'm still in, 4 more rounds to go. They're making it feel weirdly like American Idol. A much lamer version though :) Uh oh :/ Some of the committee members might read my blog. LOL. Here's a Gaga-esque picture.

I forgot to take some pictures with my yellow wig and stuff :) Was kinda surprised when I got through :/ The crowd made me lose my sense of balance and I forgot HALF the lyrics to Bad Romance. HAHA!! Sigh* I don't know how to write a "non-offensive" speech. Haha most of the time, politics, or something is tied into everything. 

It feels weird, watching the news these days. Everything seems to be going off balance. Feels almost like a civil war in the East. Almost like the start of a Holocaust. Somethings do manage to throw me offset. Seems like some people still remain ignorant. My country had already managed to make so many other nations angry. Seriously. Now they're blowing up the issue of using the word "Allah" amongst the non-Muslims. As we ALL know, the usage of Allah is not only limited to Muslim people. Even Hebrews, Jews, certain Christians, some Hindu people and a lot of other ethnicities use the word "Allah" to represent God. So, obviously, it is a VERY STUPID thing to be fighting about. I just love reading blogs that mock the stupidity of my country's leaders. As Juzer would say in Swahili, kwa hongera serekali. Ppfftt. I'm not supposed to be "saying anything", lest I wanna get into trouble :) Problem with the leaders is that they don't THINK, nor do they accept ANY form of critique or change. Really irritating. I think they should address more issues like going green and using green technology instead of increasing taxes, food prices AND petrol prices, ppfftt.

I googled out going green :) It's kinda fun. All the new ideas and stuff. I don't think I believe in moderation. There usually is no form of it in this world. It's all about radical extremism. Even if moderation exists, I believe it's "an act". Debatable though. My Anthropology test actually went well. I loved the questions, I could back the points up with theories and it touched slightly on feminism, my favorite :) I love feminist topics and NO feminists do NOT keep their armpit hair long. HAHA Neither do they have ugly facial hair. Some guys think feminists are like that :/ So many things in the Science industry that I want to share with you :P Firstly, BMI (Body Mass Index) is not the right way to calculate body fats. Which means, if your BMI indicates that you're overweight, it's FALSE :) YAY RIGHT?? Haha.

There are a lot of weird mutations going on in the animal kingdom now. I'll pick the coolest and blog about it kay?? :) I'm so addicted to denim shoes right now. They're pretty!! Okay, enough!! I shall take a bow now.
That's all folks. *Looney tunes playing*

Ta :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Barack Obama Vs. Uganda.

I'm vain when I'm stressed. Or maybe when I'm not too ;)

Okie, I have a little news :P Well, news to me, that is. I got into the Star Search thing for my college. I'm officially in now, so I've to practice more on my vocals. I have to get minus-one tracks and such. I'm also loaded to my eyeballs with assignments and mid term exams :'(

Sigh* Such a disastrous year. Egypt in chaos, Libya in turmoil, Christchurch hit by a crazy earthquake and now, Japan. What's happening :( I hope they're all okie. I really hope all will be fine for the people there. We have to continue to uphold all the "hit" countries in our prayers. 

I was quite taken aback when I saw the way the churches in Uganda (an African country) reacted to homosexuality. Barack Obama proposed to the people that homosexual marriages and stuff be allowed into the country AND church. I have nothing against gay people; in fact, some of my closest pals are gay. So, I watched more videos and stuff and saw the angst of the people. Then when one pastor came out to preach, he explained why. His first reason was that people are already stereotyping Africa to be the "country that started the bubonic plague and the pandemic of the AIDS/HIV viruses". And now that Uganda is deemed an "AIDS-free nation", they don't want to start it up again. He also said that the eating of feces for gay guys was unethical and very unhygienic. He said it in this manner: They should not eat da poo poo. Haha I was actually laughing at the way he said it, it's kinda cute :) Third reason given by him is that the "fisting method" that African gay guys use to "pleasure" themselves is very painful and damaging to the bowels and internal organs like the rectum area. Fisting, he explained, is a method of stuffing the whole fist and hand up another guy's anus right till the elbow and leaving it there; sometimes, they open up the fist inside and this is very painful to the receiver. So, before gay guys use that method to have sex, they actually have to get drugged or they have to use some kind of pain suppressor which eventually gets them addicted. 

I think the pastor has a point. Although he didn't know how to explain the whole thing properly, I think what he meant was that he does not want to see AIDS/HIV destroying their rising nation again like how it happened in the past. Africans in general are also not as rich as the Americans and as we all know, clinics and medications there are sparse. People who are affected by viruses that are incurable are considered social outcasts as there are different standings in different societies. He also meant that the vicious cycles these practices bring would be very devastating to their society. First, diseases strike and then spread. And then, they'd all be drug addicts due to the drugs they have to take. All this is VERY real and I speak out of experience.

I know this may sound VERY graphic but I had a gay friend back in my old university and he got drunk one night. We usually take care of each other and stay over in whoever's place but I guess we were all tired that night. This guy, he got so horny after drinking and decided to masturbate himself. He fisted himself but I guess that wasn't enough. He looked for something to shove up his back passage and GUESS WHAT. He woke up in a pool of blood in the middle of the night and discovered that he had shoved a cleaver/knife up his anus. I kid you NOT. This is a real story and he had to go for some internal stitching. It is VERY disturbing but sometimes, what people say might have a deeper meaning to its spectrum if you get my gist.

Once again, I am NOT against gay people, I love my gay friends as they've helped me through periods of uncertainty and stuff but maybe forcing one's belief on another one like in the case of Barack Obama and forcing his beliefs in "homosexual marriages" into Africa may not be such a good idea after all. Countries that can afford to handle repercussions should not force other not so well to do countries into funny systems. As in the case of my country too (pride kills); they spend too much on unnecessary things and try to pull wool over our eyes and fleece us. One day, there'll be an uprising. Believe me ;)

Ta for now :)
Love you all,
My bamboozles :P

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Mumble Jumbles.

It's a little "cross section" of me ;)

I have to be off to college now :( Had an emotional night last night :/ Yes. Stress does this to you. Had a good long chat with Kit and Hundal. Off to bathe now. Wondering about the blog spammers that messed up my CBOX. Looks like all is quiet now :)

Sorry I can't type longer :( So much on my mind, though.
Anyhoo, lots of chocolate hearts to you all ;)
P.s# I miss you, Aaron Howell.

-The Cat lover-

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Wonky doodling.

Look!! It's the doll that haunts, that comes alive every night ;)

In a very weird way, I'm relieved. My mid term exam for Anthropology is postponed to next week!! YAY* I didn't really get sleep again :( Except for a few hours before 1 am :/ Does that count for sleep?? HAHA I have to get ready for college in like half an hour?? It's already 5 am. Sigh* Why aren't there more hours in a day?? Ppfftt. I love scaring people. I was talking to one of the bimbos today and I told her that fairytales are fake.

And she was like, REALLY?? Like duh* Most of the classic fairytales were written by the Brothers Grimm. Such gruesome tales they wrote, so gruesome that the course of the tales were changed along periods of time so that kids wouldn't be affected?? LOL Jun and I are entering a public speaking competition. The winner gets to go to London to compete. I can't wait :) I really hope both of us make it through. Sigh* So much to do, so little time. My dad always says, "It's all about time management and the way you make your time work." Which makes sense. Ppfftt, parents. Can't live with them; can't live without them.

I have college soon :'( Or rather, I have to go soon. Lil's driving us to the train station. Dad's in Thailand for a board meeting again. Oh well.
I have a BUCK load of things to blog about but I have to bathe.
Have an awesome day, sweethearts <3 <3


Monday, March 7, 2011

March ranting.


A picture of what they have in abundance in Thailand.

Be warned* It's gonna be about ranting. I have two mid terms on Thursday which is not very fair :'( Oh well. My lecturers can get pretty unreasonable about things. I have a HUGE workload as well. I managed to complete about 3 quarters of my lab report and I still have some questions for the discussion bit unanswered :( I am so happy; so many things happened today. But mid terms are stressing me out.

I wish I were taller. 
I told you ;) I'd be ranting stressfully. Oh well. Today was a good day. I brought Midnight (my tarantula) to college although she HATES travelling. I felt like she needed a douse of fresh air and stuff so ironically, I took her to the city to get some. I managed to meet up with some old friends, Jack and gang, and Theo :) Some say he looks like Usher. He's Cameroonian and he taught me some French which is pretty interesting. I speak Spanish and Italian better than French which is trickier in a way. I got some compliments on my brains and my looks, which is nice in a way because it's kinda like the whole package thingy?? LOL like when someone says you're smart AND pretty, (c'mon girls!! You can totally relate.) Haha.

The news these days is all about starvation and stretched poverty. You know what affects it the most?? I think politics does. When political issues go all haywire, the country goes under a siege which then causes the economy to drop. It's a very vicious cycle. In this country, during elections, none of the speeches made actually address "green issues" or anything like poverty and marginalized groups and stuff. I'd rather not vote. I'm not old enough anyway. I have to work on getting good grades, seriously. I don't know why but I constantly get this really guilty feeling like I'm consistently slacking :)

In the Science, world, there are a lot of debates going on about all the green issues and global warming. I mentioned in one of my posts that the Al Gore theory said it was all a smartly-played governmental propaganda. Global warming I mean. And some scientists do argue that nothing is happening; all is fine. The global rise in temperature is "au naturale" and we have nothing to worry about, it's a little like a cycle every few years. All have stable theories :) Who do we listen to?? Mind boggling. Oh well, theories are meant to be disproved. Animals that produce the world's biggest field of methane gas is none other than cattle. What we eat :) 

Anyway, I really don't enjoy ranting as I love you all, my blog readers :) Wouldn't wanna bore you out of your wits now would we. So..

Bye, have a great day and if I don't see you sooner, have a great week ;)

Friday, March 4, 2011

Albino horror.

And there you go :) Another vain loathsome picture of me.

Today, I woke up to some pretty depressing news. It's not really new, but I haven't really been aware about it. I watched a video on Al-Jazeera about African albinos being killed and sold for their body parts. Albinos' body parts are believed to bring good luck in love and fortune. They're often sold by witch doctors. Another news report on ALLVOICES, showed revealed the shocking statistics on the whole issue. I can't believe I missed the whole thing when it was hot on the "news market". Such a horrifying, gruesome piece of news. The African Albinos live in constant fear, most or them uproot and leave their families because more often then ever, their own families kill them and mutilate their bodies in most terrifying fashions and sell off their body parts for money. One of the Albinos testified that he saw his brother's body (also an Albino), all mutilated and his family sold it off for a total of 240 dollars. The poverty rates are at an alarming rate of only 10 dollars per year, of an annual income. It hurts to see what people's own kin can do. How can they betray their own flesh and blood like that??

The worst part is who the alleged buyers are. They consist of mostly, rich businessmen and POLITICIANS!! Oh gosh. And many people "believe" in politicians especially the less fortunate ones who don't have proper educations because they believe that governments bring change. Over these months, we've been seeing governments dissolve, one by one. Libya, Egypt, Lebanon, everyone is in grim anticipation of who's next. Seriously :/ Oh well.

On a lighter note, I watched a horror or "so-called horror" movie yesterday and I thought it was good. Or rather disturbing although when I checked the reviews online, "The Rite" had so many rotten tomatoes. Yeah, I watched "The Rite", I personally think it was one of the best exorcism movies ever :) Tee hee* Ugh I hate noisy neighbors :'( I don't hate them. I just hate the sound pollution they produce. I found something out :) HAHA. I love talking to myself because sometimes, other humans lack in intellectual stimulations (meant to be a joke okay). AND I found out what I fear. It's a trapped mind. I don't really have a fear, be it a fear of heights or a fear of the dark or something. I initially had a fear of the unknown which was classified under phobias. Okay :/ I'm starting to rant.

I so need a break :/ I need a HUGE de-stress session. My bestie called me out for a double date next week!! I can't wait :) I miss her. Everyone I'm close to seems to be migrating for education purposes :'( I'm praying, hoping and crossing my fingers that I get to the US next year. Oh universities, please accept my wondrous applications. HAHA Yes* I AM ranting; guess I'll head off.

Have an awesome day, kipepeos.
P.s# I'd better start wearing hot pink. (My Anthropology lecturer said it's a good color for standing out and attracting friends.) HAHA.


Thursday, March 3, 2011

Liver rants.

An awkward smile :)

Left my books downstairs for a little while so I could come up and post a little miff of something here :)

I'm going to rant, so be warned* I HATE BIMBOS, GOSH. I have a few in my Biology class as you all know and they're seriously irritating the living lights out of me. I broke a test tube today in the lab because one of them left her test tube in the water bath with the liver spilling out of it. Imagine that :/ Sigh* And there I was with a clamp in my hand with a test tube in the middle of its mouth trying to juggle hers as it was already contaminating the water bath. And SHE WANTED TO LEAVE THE WATER BATH OPEN AND HOLD HER TEST TUBE THERE. WITH HER HANDS. Okay, I know :( I'm ranting a little absurdly but it's all true :( And I'm tired of listening to idiocy. Moronic idiosyncrasy as I'd call it. On the bright side, my Anthropology report came out well :) And it was a horribly last minute thing :/ Gosh. My lecturer was pretty pleased with me and she's quite strict so all's good :)

UGH. I'm trying to study the Krebs cycle for my Biology quiz tomorrow. I am so stressed out :/ Oh and I went for an audition for a talent contest :) Forced by some of my crazy friends and I hope it all goes well :) I sang No One by Alicia Keys. I promise I'll post a video of my singing up but ONLY if I win ;) Oh and the winner gets a huge sum of money (maybe not THAT huge but moolah is still moolah) haha, 1 thousand dollars!! I'm crossing my fingers AND toes, in hopes of winning it :) 

Sigh* I have so much to tell you about. BUT I have to go and focus on acing my quiz. It really is pressurizing, trust me. Having these subjects- American History, Biology, Anthropology AND Music in one semester is no joke. Music isn't all about the songs and stuff :/ More on theories and history of music which to me, is just plain boring. I've learnt it all before and the baroque period didn't exactly have very nice music :/ Yuck*

Alright, have an AWESOME day, fudge muffins ;)
I'll see you tonight!! It's a date ;)