Saturday, May 7, 2011

A funny lawsuit.

ROAR it's me :)

And so, I have a little spare time ;) Actually not supposed to be blogging since I'm in dire desperation; in such dire need of time. SIGH* If only I had more time in a day :/ So I woke up all hyper today. I don't know why :) I can't sleep for long and I think I over slept. 

So yes, I think this might be quite a known topic; Alec Loorz, suing the US government over climate change. Yes, he's only 16 years old and is such a visionary. I'm usually not into extremism but he's one guy I really would take my hats off to. The article from 'Guardian Environment Network'.

I think, to be able to create a movement like that with so much dissonance, you'd have to be passionate, creative and firm in what you believe in. Imagine, he managed to reach over 25 countries worldwide including our neighbor; Thailand. He has personally spoken to nearly 200, 000 people in presentations and speeches. He has a very big heart for a 16 year-old. Not like any other 16 year old I've seen. He talks about climate change and how our dependency on fossil fuels has changed the environment. He also talks about how the generation above ours (our fathers) have been ignorant and simply let propaganda wash over them like that. 
It starts on Mother's day. The iMatter March; a march that people all over the world are going to be joining, for the betterment of our environment; our futures. He is a Jefferson follower, I believe. LOL deduced from his quote. 

His vision is a very strong one, one that calls for a total revolution. A total change in every system; maybe even changes in legalities. But all for betterment and nothing else. I think his efforts are moving. A very interesting thing indeed, to sue the US government. At the young age of 16. HAHA I know I'm repeating myself but this is just a little mind boggling. A little difficult to swallow. I hope the iMatter march goes well, and I sincerely hope it will bring a change :P A subtle but very BIG Mexican wave would do just fine. Alec has my vote. *Impressive*

-The not so extreme environmentalist-

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