Friday, December 23, 2011

A highly political post.

Okay, I have to get this anger out of my system. Disclaimer: Do not read it if you don't enjoy rants on how bad the systems are.

ONLY in Malaysia. 

-The prime minister's wife gets a huge cut of tax payers' money.
AND, goes on shopping sprees overseas with the mean sums of "stolen money". LOL dear prime minister, our money is going out of the country; it's no wonder our Malaysian currency can never be matched with even the Singaporean dollar.

-Politicians stoop to such dirty, low levels of mud-slinging. And the BEST part is, they don't even speak English. Hilarity.

-The prime minister declares himself as "father of transformation" when 3 quarters of the people of the country deem him the "father of corruption".

-His wife again, angers people by buying a huge diamond (not zirconium mind you) and flashes it around while claiming to have "been saving money since she was a mere child." (What a funny lass aye, as the Scottish would say.)

-They fire tear gas into hospitals BECAUSE the hospital (Tung Shin hospital) allowed the Bersih supporters in. How can you NOT care about the innocent people inside??

-The public transport is the constant butt of all jokes.

-The prime minister goes missing on the country's Independence Day.

-The very scholarship holders cannot get into universities abroad and they can't even speak proper English. WHY?? Biased education systems that only favor the majority race which is PURE AND UTTER BULL-FUCKING-SHIT.

-Money goes missing and the public are not even aware of where it's channeled to.

-Monopoly money is circulated. (2012)

-The usage of the term GOD (Allah) is made into a huge ruckus IF used by the people of another faith.

-The ministers (currently Selangor's Khir Toyo) can escape with anything.

-The country is led by a pilfering, reckless man who hides behind the skirts of his dominating larger than life plastic wife who steals public funds and flashes the diamonds she bought with it shamelessly to the media or anyone who'd wanna see it.


-An angry citizen-

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