Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Reasons why I don't want children.

- I do not want them to end up like me.
- I never ever want to suffer the hurt of a mother. I am not capable.
- I do not want to waste my precious time bringing up something I know might not turn out the way I brought it up to be.
- I have to focus on my career and be selfish for once. In my entire life. The biggest decision I'm making.
- I never ever want to feel failure. Or to feel like I have failed my child. Because of my doing.
-I never ever want to bring a life into this world, only to find it suffer the consequences of my selfishness. 
- I never ever want to worry constantly about something so tedious as a child and his/her college fees.
-I never ever want to see the life I bring into this world hurt by anything else be it an external factor or an internal one.
- I will never be ready for parenthood. Many people have said I would change my mindset but I never have.
- I will always be selfish because I never really know how to express emotion. A child would suffer under me.
- I just do not see the point of bringing another life into this world when it is already so filled with the dying. Why not, just be nice and adopt a child?? After all, it is already here. And it needs so much more help than anything.

I just do not agree with certain people who want children for the wrong reasons. I am very VERY against it. If you can't handle being a parent, DON'T BE ONE. Your children would only suffer under your reign. If you are a monarchist or a sexist or something, DON'T HAVE CHILDREN. If you come from a patriarchal society, chances are you hate daughters and you have a HIGH PROBABILITY of getting one. If you want to play favoritism, do not think of having kids. And if you blame yourself and your children constantly and have UBER HIGH expectations, just WEAR A CONDOM. Please. You'd do better off without any.

-The thinker-

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