Monday, January 30, 2012


Yup, rape. This is a slight rant-ish, informative post.

Oftentimes when we hear of rape, we think, "Oh the girl deserved it. She must have been skimpily dressed." Or, "She must have been promiscuous-looking." In actual fact, rape is a very serious issue. It is a blatant violation (a sexual assault) of one's body that can happen to anyone, anywhere, anytime; regardless of race, gender, age, or physical attractiveness. All a rapist looks for is OPPORTUNITY. Don't be like the masses who always assume that rape "must have happened because the victim deserved it." Yes, statistics show that even an alarming number of males get raped. Rape is NOT a crime of passion; it is more an act of lust,anger, the fetish of controlling and violence. It is an act of utter derogatory humiliation in which the attacker thinks that he/she has the upper hand. It is disgusting.

Myths to be busted when it comes to rape.

1. Men cannot be raped. (This comes first in my rape myth list simply because men are usually less aware of it than women. It is a gender stereotype.) 

According to the 'Bureau of Justice statistics', there were approximately 20, 000 sexual assaults of males aged 12 and above in the United States alone in 1991. And the statistics rise annually. I personally know of one or two male rape victims who have been assaulted sexually by someone they know; usually a male family member. One of my male friends was raped by his own cousin when he was very young. It especially happens in Arab/African countries where the males dominate more (I know this because I have friends from there who enlighten me.) Also, there are quite a number of cases now, where mothers rape their own sons out of sexual frustration and anger. 

2. You can't tell a rapist from the way he looks.

Anyone you know could be a rapist. Your father, grandfather, mother, brother, ANYONE. A rapist could be a doctor, lawyer, judge, policeman, teacher, etc. Rapists are almost usually married, with children. They usually also are friendly, normal and non-threatening.

3. Women usually fantasize about being raped.

This is where YOU come in wrongly. Yes, there are women who enjoy being bound, and all the S&M, BDSM types and styles BUT they are always willing. No woman/man ever fantasizes about being sexually assaulted to the point of being mentally traumatized or shaken up that she/he cannot go about his/her daily life.

4. A man cannot rape his wife.

So what if a man is legally bound to his wife?? That does not make her his slave or his animal that he can just violate her body. Also, vice versa for men since women have become very dominant in certain parts now; to the point of abusing their husbands. 

5. Sexual assault usually occurs between strangers.

Estimation has shown that over 70 % of rape victims know their attackers. The rapists are usually friends, family members, co-workers etc. 

6. Rape only happens to attractive/ "sexy young women".

Rape can happen to anyone, regardless. (As aforementioned.) It is never usually because of the way the victim is dressed; it is more towards the vulnerability and the opportunities available. Age, social class, ethnic groups, have no bearings on how the victims are chosen. It is usually how much the victim can be coerced or intimidated. 

Taken from The Federal Bureau of Investigations and the National Crime Survey.

7. Only women and gay men get raped.

The majority of rapists as well as the victims are heterosexual. Straight. Male rape is not homosexual rape. Rapists are oftentimes not driven by lust. They are driven by their disgusting need to feel in control of the other person. They are driven by the desire to have the upper hand over the victim. This turns them on, stimulates them more than actual lustful passions. There are many more male victims who do not report these assaults for fear of humiliation. 

8. Women ASK for it because of the way they dress.

How then do you explain male rape?? The way they dress?? A woman can be clad in a full purdah or a full body covering including a head scarf and still be a rape victim. As mentioned again and again in this post, rapists do not look at how "pretty" or sexy the victim is, but more of how vulnerable they are. 

9. Women incite men to rape.

Rapes are almost always planned. A rapist is usually not an impulsive person, he/she acts really carefully and plots many devious ways on how to go about it. 

10. Victims should "just get over it".

It isn't that simple. The phobia and the fear of it happening again; flashbacks, they are all very disturbing. 

In conclusion, rape can happen to both the sexes, sexy women are not the targets of rape, rapists pick victims based on vulnerability, and rape is a very serious offence.

Nik Aziz should stop saying that "WOMEN DESERVE TO BE RAPED." It is a very disgusting statement. He should educate himself, along with all the other closed-minded politicians who are such derogatory imbeciles. Facts are, women and men are the victims, in near equal amounts. These imbeciles should stop blaming their raging hormones on women alone and dismiss rape as a minor little crime. It happens to ANYONE. Nuff' said.

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