Friday, August 9, 2013

Conspiracy theories 1 (Malaysian edition).

Before I start my rant, here's a nice picture of Heyli (my uni bestie) and I. 

Malaysia's biggest problem??


Seriously. Don't believe me?? Think again. That rat is more cunning and conniving than a mongoose trying to trap a snake or a rodent.

That man knows exactly what he's doing, where he's headed to and he has an ultimate goal, an ultimate target to which he is working towards. And we all don't know what he has in store for us. Let's call him, He Who Shall Not Be Named. HWSNBN in short. 

The cops play the blame game. It's the best time to sit back and watch this melodrama with a huge bag of popcorn. 

The cops are blaming the repeal of the EO (Emergency Ordinance) for the crazy increase in gun violence in Malaysia. When was the law repealed?? In 2011, by HWSNBN himself!! I think HWSNBN will blame the people for the repeal of the EO. He would say, "Oh the rakyat wanted the EO abolished" and so on and so forth. He loves to play word games doesn't he now. 

According to the associate professor of Criminology of the Malaysian Science University (USM), HWSNBN had indeed taken the public's words out of context, to his own convenience. What the professor said was, "We advised the government to repeal the Restricted Residences Act but to revise the EO." 
"We should have a similar law to the EO but it must come with stringent checks and balances so that there is no abuse," he added.

See?? Repeal the what?? The Restricted Residences Act and REVISE the EO. Not repeal the EO completely. According to sources who must not be mentioned, when those criminals were freed without trial two years ago, they were released on one condition. They had to vote for HWSNBN in the upcoming elections as a sort of pay-off if I may say?? Well, these are only rumours but I must say, HWSNBN is quite capable of doing that.

You don't think HWSNBN wouldn't do ANYTHING at all for money?? After AMMB Holdings founder, Bahrain-born Hussain Ahmad Najadi was shot dead just last week, HWSNBN pledged to boost resources for fighting crime. The keyword here, boost resources. Where on earth does the money really go to?? He just puts it down in the ledger book, "this sum of money for so and so" and what he really does is pocket a large amount of it. Just like any of the other BN members. For instance, scandalous Ng Yen Yen and her 1.8 million MR spent on creating that Facebook page. 

LOL. With all the ministers speaking out one by one now, I really want to see where all this is heading to. We have Zaid Ibrahim, Pak Lah himself and the ex chief of police on the 'dark side' now. Let's see who else the opposition can recruit. 

Malaysia is becoming a warzone. A democratic nation?? My buttcrack. It is a monarchy, a dictator-peasant authoritarian government-ruled state. Where religion and law have integrated so badly that the police are more focused on pouncing on people who they think or "interpret as" going against the Malaysian Islamic law. Why emphasize the Malaysian Islamic Law?? Because these people who possess power use religion as an attack ground for the public. Missiles are fired wrongly, religion misinterpreted sorely and they're really distorting it through their Nazi-coloured glasses (forgive the blatant pun.)

This is only the beginning.

-The angry Malaysian-

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