Tuesday, October 13, 2009

People may want to crush me. They may say things that I wouldn't like to find out.

I HAVE to stay strong in this dog-eat-dog world. Even people the closest to us may let us down. How people could have evolved into mean things beats me.

We have to rise up and step it up. Speak for what is right no matter what it may cost. Only we owe it to ourselves for a better living.

Thank you, Lynn and all the people who have stood by me. You're really TREASURED.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. How people could have evolved into mean things beats me.
    People didn't evolve. People have been the exact same way they are from the beginning of humanity.

    Only we owe it to ourselves
    No. We owe all (and more--an unpayable debt) to the Lord, Who laid down His own life. The reason humanity is how it is is laid out quite well in Romans 1. Our duty is not to spout to people our moral affinities, but the Gospel of Christ. And even as they didn't listen to Him, they won't listen to us, except those that He personally calls. But that is not our concern--our concern is to obey Him, regardless of circumstances, regardless of outcome, knowing full well that He will do what He says. :) Praise the Lord. :D
