Saturday, February 27, 2010

Holly, Humanimals and just everything H.

I LOVE this quote. God handmade you. That's why you're beautiful :3

WOW, it's been a little while since I've updated my blog. I feel like entering the era of Holly Golightly. I want to feel their romance :) They were such romantic semantics, even the men showed their love by showering gifts like corsages and roses to beautiful ladies; they dedicated poems of love, WOW, it was all so beautiful. Truman Capote, YOU indeed managed to capture the essence of the romanticism of that era. SIGH* *Wishful thinking*

There. Holly Golightly's pictures :) Her real name in the book was Holliday Golightly.

Yes, Aiden's been telling me about cars :) WOW, Aiden you're a mastermind, a genius you know?? I would definitely LOVE to dissect your brain to get into the brain matter. I'm in love with 1991 model of the Mc Claren F1 car :)

Haha, G thinks I'm gory because I talked about dissecting him that day.

Haha, dissecting is fun. Dead stuff I mean. Hmm, so yeah. It's going to be finalized tomorrow. I'm going to do a diploma in mass communication and after that, I'll start my degree in Biology. It might take a while but dreams never die, do they??
As long as hope and faith remain in our arsenals, doubt is battled.

There, liver dissection for research on enzyme reaction :) Haha, I'm feeling SO random today. I LOVE SNAKES AND TURTLES :) Any sort of reptile. LMFAO's song-Shots is way awesome, if not for the oh-so-dirty lyrics :)
Mum thinks I'm a little evil too. JUST BECAUSE when my first dog, Mick died, I wanted to dissect him and maybe preserve his coat and heart. Mum thought that was gory too. But imagine, he would still be with us physically :) I miss him a lot :( AND I'm missing my Peanut too. She's more of Suria's cat now than mine. She LOVES tuna :) Such a sweetie pie.

GOSH, I'm SO impatient. Can't wait to start studying again although it's not the course of my choice. Patience is NOT my strongest virtue. Haha, just now, I was talking to mum. I told her, "You know mum, dad is VERY patient." DO YOU KNOW WHAT MY MUM SAID??

"Of course, he has a daughter like you."

Ouch, wounded!! *Sits in corner licking wounds* But then again, she meant it half jokingly. I HOPE!! LOL.

Anyway, I feel like this should be out in my blog. Humanimals. Sometimes you know, humans judge, they cannibalise, they sodomize, they do the SICKEST things possible, stooping lower than animals. And we're supposed to be on the top of the "intelligence chart". So yeah, "humanimal" is not a word of degradation towards less "human" human beings. Humanimals aren't exactly centaurs and mythical half-human, half-animal beings. These humanimals are very secretive about their lifestyles and ONLY the boldest come into the open. Secret societies are formed over the Net and they do sometimes gather for events. Reporters, journalists, media and non-humanimals are NEVER allowed, neither is surveillance.

Humanimals are people, a group of people that think they are animals born in human bodies and more often than ever, they do have connections with animals. For example, there is a Coyote man. He's actually an engineer but he believes that he is actually a coyote inside. Psychologists have done a fair amount of research on these people and have concluded that humanimals find it hard to get along or communicate with other humans therefore, establish a barrier or a fort that upholds their sanity. They find it through animals or human to animal transformation. I thought this was a pretty fascinating topic to be breaching. Sometimes, humanimals also believe in spirit guides like shamans or wolf people. Or, they could be natives and believe in folklore like animal totems and all. It sort of is like "Feng shui" for the chinese where they believe everyone has a birth year of a certain animal.

Coming back to humanimals. Some humanimals go to certain extremes like Dennis Avner aka Stalking cat. He went to the extreme of going through body modification SO thorough that he does not at all resemble a human anymore. He prefers his native American name, Stalking cat and he underwent extreme modifications and surgeries to look like a cat. Just like my native American name is Moon Willow :) Wait, let me look for a picture of him.

Yes!! Got a few.

This is the Cat man aka the Stalking Cat. I actually respect and admire him. He is one person that doesn't care about what the world thinks of him. And yes again, it's a free world where freedom of choice is VERY MUCH inhibited. It's really cool and he's one of the MOST famous humanimals. He lives on an all-meat diet. That's cool too, he's carnivorous instead of omnivorous like other humans. This now, is my latest topic of interest. He's AMAZING!! I love science, animals and psychology as well as people analysis, culture and humanimals tick all those boxes :)

There's a lot more to say about these humanimals but yeah, I would probably be boring you to death. Perhaps piercings and tattooes will be blogged about next.

The humanimal wannabe :3 Meow!!

P.s# If I were an animal, I'd be a panther or leopard. They're SO sexy and sleek. What would you be?? ;)

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