Sunday, February 27, 2011

Torn between orgasms; Converse bugs.

I look a little like a child in this picture :) Overalls have that effect.
Gosh, there are a LOT of things that I want to finish and get done with BUT again, I'm faced with the utter constraints of time. WHY?? Sheesh. Truth?? Truth is that I love day dreaming and I procrastinate a lot. Maybe I'm just human. Or, TOO human at some point of time. I'm way better this semester though :) Working my butt off, sleepless nights, endless coffee hauls and just plain old meal-skipping. I have such a horrible sleeping pattern now. And my eating patterns are just so screwed up as well :'( I don't even have time to talk to Aaron Howell :P
I just logged on to my student portal and realized that my lecturer has FIVE WHOLE chapters of American History to finish BEFORE the 10th of March (my mid term exam date) which I think is a little bit impossible.

Will someone PLEASE be kind enough to remind me NEVER to EVER take History and Biology of ANY sort in the same semester again?? Please and thank you. I've even been neglecting my dear old blog which is TOTALLY unlike me because blogging is one of the only things that keeps me calm in the middle of a mid-life crisis. Okay, forgive my overtly performed melodramatics, I just feel the need for it plus a little sarcasm :)

Things I miss the MOST:

My Kampar friends. (Who are basically still humans which makes them NOT things; okay I don't know why I put them in the "thing" category.)

Hockey. (A sport.) I am Captain Obvious :) Again, I don't know how it landed in the "thing" category. Ppfftt.

SIGH* I miss them all SO MUCH. Too much. I am such a dreamer. I get up in the middle of the night thinking I'm in Vie's bed and that he's beside me and it turns out that it was all just a wicked dream waiting for me to get up and discover that it's sigh* just a dream. *I'm starting not to make sense here*

When you absorb too much of non-existent Biology *just saying*, your brain will start to make your fingers type out things that may not make sense anymore. HAHA!! Right now, I'm studying on anaerobic respiration and aerobic respiration. It is enjoyable BUT there are LOADS of key terms to remember. I so need a dose of coffee. You see, there is bond breaking ATP, which can be converted to ADP if it has its bonds broken. And there is glycolysis for fermentation and umm, the Kreb's cycle?? And there is the light-independent reactions aka the Calvin-Benson cycle AND the light-dependent reactions. See?? I have a tonne to remember. NOT that I'm complaining but I START to complain when I have to memorize the Federal laws of the US, together with the Constitution, Jefferson's speech (Declaration of Independence), federal governments, centralized governments AND Anthropology which is really a mixture of archaeology AND history all in one. NOW do you understand why I have to forgo blogging sometimes?? :( I miss blogging. I really do.

I need to have the feeling of serenity in my head again :'(
I have no idea why there are so many "copycat" protests going on all around the world. It's like Egypt caused a whole massive chain of reactions, all sprouting out around the globe. Tunisia, Albania, Libya, Lebanon (although not publicized, has the SAME thing going on like in Egypt); I got my Lebanese updates from Diana :) I miss her :( 
I am so torn between two great "men". Configuratively. I was talking to Kit about getting a second degree in law because I realized I really enjoy it. Courts turn me on :) And debating gives such a HUGE adrenaline rush but I can't decide which one gives me better orgasms. I love law, I love courts and I love debates. But on the other hand, I love Biology, science and cells. I can't decide which one makes me get headier. But Kit said I should focus on ONE AND one alone. He IS right. Okay, I am ranting a little too much :/

Let's talk about something else then :P I do get a little materialistic sometimes ;) I'm human after all. I got myself a pair of Converse bug sunnies, ones I've been eye-ing for a few days. It's so gonna make me starve :P I spent quite a lot on it and I should be saving up for a rainy day :/ Here, they are GORGEOUS. 

They look like this :)

And like this from the side.
I'm utterly in love with them :) I can't stop staring at them. Haha and the fact that they cost me a bomb makes me wanna wear them all the time. Even now!! In the jet blackness of the night. I wish I had more hours in a day :) Then I could allot some to dreaming :P

You know what?? I could use a dose of ATP, my dear readers. I guess it's back to the books for me :'( I have a tonne of biological terms to read up on and the clock is ticking fast. Tick tock*

Tick tock* DING!!
The bewitching hour!!

Love you bloggerwonks.

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