Monday, February 28, 2011


Be warned* I am vain when stressed out ;)

Today, I found out that there are more faces on a human than on a seven headed serpent. I mean, I knew that LONG ago but sometimes, things just get physically "reinforced" if you get my point. I mean, sigh* I can actually count the number of people I can really trust and bank on. 
I wish I could go back to the time when I was little and things were less intense and the only things I could do wrong was to take some chocolate from the fridge without permission or steal some chocolate powder. HAHA. I miss my childhood years.

Anyway, on a lighter note, my sister screwed up her Malaysian studies test which is a pretty pointless subject so it's alright. I don't know why we're forced to take it up in college :/

3 'BRANCHES' of administration are : ( Lil's answers were )
(i) dead branch
(ii) stems
(iii) young twig.

She has a wicked mind ;)
Which I totally love. Oh sigh* I still am torn between orgasms (read previous post) :P But I think, maybe I'll stick with my major. Which is Bio Medical Science. So I don't have to worry about changing again. The syndrome within me doesn't like change. I'm pretty much a routinal person, much as I hate routines. HAHA I might say routines are boring YET I carry them out. I miss studying Physics. The laws of thermodynamics and energy, activation energy; one of the best chapters in my Physics textbook. Oh which reminds me. I had better start applying for universities, can't wait to get to the States :) Can't wait to study Microbiology, and genetic Biology and all that. Sounds lovely and I am in dire desperation for a bio-gasm. LOL.

Can't wait for a whole tsunami of good change that MIGHT upset me because consistency is what I'm all about, but oh well ;) Anyone and everyone could do with some amounts of change right?? ;)

Goodnight lovelies (good morning to some), and I'll see you soon. PRETTY soon. 
Lots of love,


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