Sunday, March 20, 2011

Born without emotion.

Hello there :P Meow*

And since I'm free, I'm going to blog AGAIN for today ;) Haha. Just to make up for all those times. I am a little high on caffeine. Yeah, it still does that to me :/ Mum still calls me a bundle. Says I still am too much for her to handle. I really don't think I'm all that bad :) Tee hee* At least I break out of norms. Ppfftt.

Oh yeah, check this out :)

She's a really big girl now :) My tarantula, Midnight. Such a pretty thing. 

I really dislike it when my friends start to have problems amongst themselves. Anyway, the weather in Malaysia has been looking VERY gloomy for the past 2 weeks or so. The weather conditions in Japan and other parts of the world must be affecting the weather here as well. It's usually "summer" all year long with a bit of rain here and there but it's really cold these days. Like "shiver me timbers" kinda cold. LOL. I love parrots saying that. One of my close friends has a Myna bird that can imitate nearly anything. Oh man :/ I have 2 assignments to hand in tomorrow and a vigorous workout to do later. I must however allow myself to blog a little first :P Blogging does help me relieve stress to a certain extend. 

Today, I want to talk about perverts, and humans born without emotions. As you all know already (I think), mum is a child psychologist. The most interesting kids that she handles are those that grow up with her. Her latest student/patient *however way you call it* Belle, is a really cute 3 year old. We've known her since she was born and mum knew she wasn't normal. Belle was born with arms shorter than a normal child and is a little slower than the average kid. The doctors said her chromosomes are a little strange with an circle around all the X chromosomes. Very "one of a kind", not many cases have been identified AND each is unique in it's own way. Psychiatrists and psychologists alike argue a lot on this, sometimes, children are born with mixed up emotions as well. Most psychiatrist argue that children born without emotions are known to have the "Borderline Personality Disorder" syndrome. Some others argue that children are NOT born this way but something traumatic stays in the frontal lobe of the brain and THAT is why they react to certain circumstances the way they do, devoid of emotion.

But what we saw first hand was different. Belle WAS indeed born this way. There are 2 very weird cases that my mum handled. One was a boy YC (I may have mentioned him before), he used to sniff chairs when they were still hot from human body temperature, he used to look at my mum in a VERY perverse manner even when he was only 10 and stuff. The worse part is that, he laughed if he got hurt/punished. Normal kids cry or react angrily to situations that YC laughed in. Mum used to think that he was exposed to porn at a very young age because his behavior sometimes WAS indeed very disturbing; we got a phone call from one of his classmates and he had "touched her" and told her not to snitch on him. So, once again, perverts are BORN and not bred. Belle is somewhat like him, minus the perverse genes raging through her blood :) There are many diagnoses to these kinds of behavioral patterns but really, none of it is proven. Some say that these kids fall in the autistic spectrum and some doctors argue that they might be psychopaths/sociopaths. No parent would want to accept the fact that their child is a pervert OBVIOUSLY. YC stopped coming to my mum and he had to be put into a private school because of his disturbing behaviors. Oh well :/ His mum was ALWAYS in denial. Until today, he rings my house JUST to "breathe down the phone line" or to "sing us a song or two". Mum's pretty worried because he's turning 16 this year and is still NOT snapping out of it. Oh well :/ Genomes.

Onces again, there are SO MANY arguments to this; it remains a mind-boggling mystery as to why some humans are born without/devoid of emotion. 
I'll stop here, ta ;)

-Lishia- *The curious mind*

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