Saturday, March 12, 2011

Barack Obama Vs. Uganda.

I'm vain when I'm stressed. Or maybe when I'm not too ;)

Okie, I have a little news :P Well, news to me, that is. I got into the Star Search thing for my college. I'm officially in now, so I've to practice more on my vocals. I have to get minus-one tracks and such. I'm also loaded to my eyeballs with assignments and mid term exams :'(

Sigh* Such a disastrous year. Egypt in chaos, Libya in turmoil, Christchurch hit by a crazy earthquake and now, Japan. What's happening :( I hope they're all okie. I really hope all will be fine for the people there. We have to continue to uphold all the "hit" countries in our prayers. 

I was quite taken aback when I saw the way the churches in Uganda (an African country) reacted to homosexuality. Barack Obama proposed to the people that homosexual marriages and stuff be allowed into the country AND church. I have nothing against gay people; in fact, some of my closest pals are gay. So, I watched more videos and stuff and saw the angst of the people. Then when one pastor came out to preach, he explained why. His first reason was that people are already stereotyping Africa to be the "country that started the bubonic plague and the pandemic of the AIDS/HIV viruses". And now that Uganda is deemed an "AIDS-free nation", they don't want to start it up again. He also said that the eating of feces for gay guys was unethical and very unhygienic. He said it in this manner: They should not eat da poo poo. Haha I was actually laughing at the way he said it, it's kinda cute :) Third reason given by him is that the "fisting method" that African gay guys use to "pleasure" themselves is very painful and damaging to the bowels and internal organs like the rectum area. Fisting, he explained, is a method of stuffing the whole fist and hand up another guy's anus right till the elbow and leaving it there; sometimes, they open up the fist inside and this is very painful to the receiver. So, before gay guys use that method to have sex, they actually have to get drugged or they have to use some kind of pain suppressor which eventually gets them addicted. 

I think the pastor has a point. Although he didn't know how to explain the whole thing properly, I think what he meant was that he does not want to see AIDS/HIV destroying their rising nation again like how it happened in the past. Africans in general are also not as rich as the Americans and as we all know, clinics and medications there are sparse. People who are affected by viruses that are incurable are considered social outcasts as there are different standings in different societies. He also meant that the vicious cycles these practices bring would be very devastating to their society. First, diseases strike and then spread. And then, they'd all be drug addicts due to the drugs they have to take. All this is VERY real and I speak out of experience.

I know this may sound VERY graphic but I had a gay friend back in my old university and he got drunk one night. We usually take care of each other and stay over in whoever's place but I guess we were all tired that night. This guy, he got so horny after drinking and decided to masturbate himself. He fisted himself but I guess that wasn't enough. He looked for something to shove up his back passage and GUESS WHAT. He woke up in a pool of blood in the middle of the night and discovered that he had shoved a cleaver/knife up his anus. I kid you NOT. This is a real story and he had to go for some internal stitching. It is VERY disturbing but sometimes, what people say might have a deeper meaning to its spectrum if you get my gist.

Once again, I am NOT against gay people, I love my gay friends as they've helped me through periods of uncertainty and stuff but maybe forcing one's belief on another one like in the case of Barack Obama and forcing his beliefs in "homosexual marriages" into Africa may not be such a good idea after all. Countries that can afford to handle repercussions should not force other not so well to do countries into funny systems. As in the case of my country too (pride kills); they spend too much on unnecessary things and try to pull wool over our eyes and fleece us. One day, there'll be an uprising. Believe me ;)

Ta for now :)
Love you all,
My bamboozles :P

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