Saturday, March 19, 2011

Gaga and BMI.

Sorry I didn't blog sooner. I would blog everyday!! If only I didn't have so much to do :( I need swagger, I need style. My oh my. I am SO DOOMED. My History mid term's on Friday :/ Less than a week from now. I have a Biology assignment due on Monday AND a singing competition on Wednesday to practice for. And then, a Biology mid term on Wednesday, the same day. And then, next Saturday, I'm going for a national public speaking competition. I was warned not to "openly attack" the audience. But, I love stating the truth. And the truth hurts sometimes ;) Haha.

I was Gaga by the way, for the singing competition (last week's round). I'm still in, 4 more rounds to go. They're making it feel weirdly like American Idol. A much lamer version though :) Uh oh :/ Some of the committee members might read my blog. LOL. Here's a Gaga-esque picture.

I forgot to take some pictures with my yellow wig and stuff :) Was kinda surprised when I got through :/ The crowd made me lose my sense of balance and I forgot HALF the lyrics to Bad Romance. HAHA!! Sigh* I don't know how to write a "non-offensive" speech. Haha most of the time, politics, or something is tied into everything. 

It feels weird, watching the news these days. Everything seems to be going off balance. Feels almost like a civil war in the East. Almost like the start of a Holocaust. Somethings do manage to throw me offset. Seems like some people still remain ignorant. My country had already managed to make so many other nations angry. Seriously. Now they're blowing up the issue of using the word "Allah" amongst the non-Muslims. As we ALL know, the usage of Allah is not only limited to Muslim people. Even Hebrews, Jews, certain Christians, some Hindu people and a lot of other ethnicities use the word "Allah" to represent God. So, obviously, it is a VERY STUPID thing to be fighting about. I just love reading blogs that mock the stupidity of my country's leaders. As Juzer would say in Swahili, kwa hongera serekali. Ppfftt. I'm not supposed to be "saying anything", lest I wanna get into trouble :) Problem with the leaders is that they don't THINK, nor do they accept ANY form of critique or change. Really irritating. I think they should address more issues like going green and using green technology instead of increasing taxes, food prices AND petrol prices, ppfftt.

I googled out going green :) It's kinda fun. All the new ideas and stuff. I don't think I believe in moderation. There usually is no form of it in this world. It's all about radical extremism. Even if moderation exists, I believe it's "an act". Debatable though. My Anthropology test actually went well. I loved the questions, I could back the points up with theories and it touched slightly on feminism, my favorite :) I love feminist topics and NO feminists do NOT keep their armpit hair long. HAHA Neither do they have ugly facial hair. Some guys think feminists are like that :/ So many things in the Science industry that I want to share with you :P Firstly, BMI (Body Mass Index) is not the right way to calculate body fats. Which means, if your BMI indicates that you're overweight, it's FALSE :) YAY RIGHT?? Haha.

There are a lot of weird mutations going on in the animal kingdom now. I'll pick the coolest and blog about it kay?? :) I'm so addicted to denim shoes right now. They're pretty!! Okay, enough!! I shall take a bow now.
That's all folks. *Looney tunes playing*

Ta :)

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