Saturday, April 23, 2011

Chic Choc and Easter bunnies.

Craving for some of these fine things :) I'm a Hershey's fan.

Look, I've got these beauties which I can't pounce on and seduce just yet. Sigh* I'm waiting to suck them dry, I want to READ.I'm supposed to be studying for my finals but yeah, History just bores me to death. Especially economic history. I'm lazy to study :( Study American History. I prefer macabre pieces of horror like in some of the genocidal wars?? I don't condone horrid acts of course, it's just their brains that work differently, sort of intriguing. Was just thinking, in my previous post, I mentioned, about the education department trying to weed out "sissies"; don't they sound just like Hitler. They're starting to be "Nazis" in a sort of weird way. Ppfftt. I call that a lack of originality ;)

Alright. I have to go and try to stuff my "brian" with some history. At least a page or two.

Happy Easter :) * I want a bunny suit to wear to church * HAHA.
Lots of love.
-The Easter Bunny wannabe-

1 comment:

  1. I want a bunny suit to wear to church

    Pfft. Haha. A couple kids actually did wear the ears to church, yesterday.
