Tuesday, April 19, 2011

A dogma. (The doggie dilemma.)

Meow's here again :)

I was just about to blog on the issue of dog-banning in Malaysia when PETPOSITIVE did it first :) They are banning more than 7 types of dog breeds in Malaysia now, the initial was just SEVEN dog breeds — Akita, Neapolitan Mastiff, American Bulldog, Dogo Argentino, Fila Brasileiro, Japanesa Tosa and American Pit bull — are set to vanish from households in Subang Jaya soon.

The dogs classified under the “big” category are predisposed to aggressive or dangerous behaviour. The council is enforcing a directive from the Selangor Veterinary Department, according to which the dogs are “unmanageable or possibly dangerous”. They're really barking up the wrong tree. These dogs are NOT in any way, a danger to society. The only reason why they become aggressive is because they're either mistreated or abused. A well kept dog would never turn on its owner or simply attack anyone around. If they want to say that the breeds mentioned above are dangerous, I think it applies to every other dog. I've been bitten a few times by my neighbor's annoying Spitz WHILE my other neighbor's Rott weiler is such an angel. I'll show you a picture of her. She has a funny name, she's called Apple :)

Yup, this folks, is Apple :) Ain't she adorable?? Yup, she has the "cutest grimace" ever. It's like as if she's trying to smile. Such a sweetheart. And people claim that these dogs are dangerous. My own dogs, Woffle and Jem have never been anything but angels with us. Such lovable "beasts" they are :)
It's just a mental stigma that some idiots have; to be able to make such atrocious claims. My friend has a pitbull and it's the naughtiest, cutest thing ever. Pitbulls are one of my favorite dogs, they're more than loyal, as lovable as any other dog. They're only "deemed" as dangerous because they're one of the dog breeds that was exploited in China for the activity of dog fighting or rather "pit fighting" as it is known. I really don't understand why these people don't get the concept of "no dogs are dangerous, ONLY dog owners are." 

Want to know a cool fact?? Pitbulls pass the 'American Temperament Test' with a really high flying score of 85.3 % which is higher than the average dog (border collies, etc.) IMAGINE THAT!! This is a brief description of the test.

The test simulates a casual walk through a park or neighborhood where everyday life situations are encountered. During this walk, the dog experiences visual, auditory and tactile stimuli. Neutral, friendly and threatening situations are encountered, calling into play the dog's ability to distinguish between non-threatening situations and those calling for watchful and protective reactions.
The dog fails the test if it shows:

  • Unprovoked aggression
  • Panic without recovery
  • Strong avoidance
So I hope I've convinced you enough that pitbulls are one of the least dangerous dogs around (if you were ever afraid of them). I really hate the "bad press" they get. I blame it all on useless morons who use pitbulls for pit fighting especially in China. There was an article in my newspaper today; in China this truckload of dogs was stopped and the guy who stopped it alerted animal rights activists through his microblog, yes, SURPRISE SURPRISE!! The dogs were stolen from neighborhoods and were about to be sent to the cooking pot. People in China and Vietnam etc should learn that these animals are NOT delicacies and a dog is also a family member. Stealing one causes a lot of heartbreak to their respective owners, it's like losing a sister/brother or something. I honestly feel embarrassed to be associated with the Chinese people although I'm one. I'm not being racist here, there's a huge difference; it's that SOME people from China do not have ANY ethics at all, whatsoever. There is a trending thing going on in China where they make keychains out of airtight bags and put an animal inside. Mostly tortoises because tortoises are believed to bring good luck. Imagine dying slowly without food or oxygen. That's how cruel they can get. Now you know why I'm so indignantly filled with righteous anger. I'll show you the picture, hold on.

This is the article.

And this, my lovelies is what torture in a bag looks like. It's a slow death for them, no doubt. It's sickening, what they'd do for profits. Melanin in milk, dog exploitation, fake eggs, now this. What next?? 

Sigh* I shall stop here. Annoyed by all this cruelty and utter stupidity.
Love you all and I'm sorry I haven't blogged for so long; I was watching the news :/

<3 <3 Lishia.

1 comment:

  1. Yup, this folks, is Apple

    That's the smallest Rottweiler I've ever seen. Then again, my cousin had one that was 200 pounds, once. Looked like a barrel with legs. Super hilarious looking. Still, the "average" Rottweiler that I've seen was much meatier. Is it young?

    Pitbulls are one of my favorite dogs

    We had a Pit when I was really young. Super nice dog. Stupid--quite stupid--and scared of the rain. It's name was Snowball (all white). There were two people in the world that she actually got vicious with. She must have just reacted to the fear she perceived from them.

    I was watching the news

    I typically don't. :P
