Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Owlies, Hitler and Eugenics.

Isn't that gorgeous?? My totem animal :)

Okie, Facebook is getting boring now. Haha!! And grandma, she just chastised me for no reason :( Even Lil said, "I think she hates you." Haha!! Ppfftt, me and old people, definitely don't go along together.

I'm really into Hitler and his terrible mass following today. Honestly, I really don't think he was a bad guy. Just more of a guy with a different set of values and a different way of thinking. He was more like the puppeteer and his followers were more of the puppets. You think?? :P

Also, really itching to hit a club. REALLY EXTREMELY DYING TO UNLEASH MY WILD SIDE. The wild party animal in me that has remained continuously stagnant :(

LOL. Meow* SOMEBODY SAVE ME. Haha. Sorry. Being silly :) 

Back to Hitler now. Bet you've all heard of eugenics, and weird human experimentations :) Some of them are most intriguing. What we in the modern era would try on lab rats, they tried on humans back then. How scary is that :P 
Okie, so, during the World War II, the German Nazi regime carried out a series of extremely brutal experiments, on prisoners in concentration camps. (Most of this info, I'm sure is already an ingrained familiarity to most of you beloved peeps.) 

But, the most brutal and cruel experiments were what catches the attention of many. I think if I could rename Hitler, I'd call him, "Doctor Evil". Imagine:
Experiments on twins, bone, muscle and nerve altering transplants, malaria and freezing experiments, poison experiments and also, eugenics.

Eugenics, I think, is one of the worst, it is not only discriminatory, it also is a form of hate crime.In today's modern era, eugenics is simply known as compulsory sterilization. It's a little unfair to the individuals that have to undergo this "forced sterilization". It's not actually something we have all diverged from, even today, compulsory sterilization, which in my opinion, is another form of masking the evils of eugenics, is widely practised by certain governments. You'd be surprised :) Even I was. Some are racial eugenics which is equivalent to genocide. But, there are some governments which committed eugenics based on the fundamentals that the people who were sterilized were mentally defective morons. Haha!! Believe it or not, Canada is one of the countries that had this program. 

The number of cases in which the people who were wrongfully sterilized and sued the Canadian government is going up!! I'm currently waiting for more news on it. Oh, how I wish I knew everything. I'm knowledge starved. LOL. The state of Alberta and British Columbia in Canada are now currently having a few issues here and there because of this.In 2005, 9 more women were compensated. By the government of Canada. By state of course. Okie, is it too much information?? I'll stop here ;)

I'll blog more on eugenics and compulsory sterilization alright?? Hope I don't bore you to death. Haha!! I love court cases, hate crimes and unsolved war puzzles and mysteries. P.s# Josh Wright!! Still can't get into my own comment box :P But nevertheless, lots of love from here.

I love you to death, my darlings!! Xx, 
Shia. (Porny Professor) *Wink*

1 comment:

  1. Josh Wright!! Still can't get into my own comment box :P

    Well I still have no problem coming and going. :P :)
