Tuesday, November 30, 2010

December woes.

It's rude to stare, so stop, she says :) *Just kidding* Read on ;)

It's the month of December now in Malaysia :) All I can say is CHRISTMAS is here!! YAY* Hopefully, I don't have to go back to Ipoh to celebrate it. Yeah, that's where mum is from and trust me, it's awful going back there. Horrid nosey relatives who just love burying their noses into my affairs saying, "I care." I don't, so they should learn to back off and stop pointing fingers and blaming others.

Sigh* Sorry about the ranting :) You know, sometimes, we wished we could just turn time around. Reverse it. So many "if only"s in our lives. Don't you think?? I wish, if only, if I could have.. All too familiar, these phrases are. I've been walking in a daze for a few days. I woke up today feeling SO MUCH better :) I have to go down and bathe Woffle though. She's been having these amazing tic attacks :/ Poor baby. 

So many things on my "brian". LOL. Should probably start clearing them off. I'm crossing my fingers (and toes) hoping that next year starts off well and also, I hope that this Christmas would be an enjoyable one :) Let's all hope for a better tomorrow. Too much has been happening these days :/ It is kind of disappointing. In a way. Bluh :)

Mum's been having so many calls from parents who have autistic kids so yes, my house is going to be like an asylum again :/ Haha!! For those who don't know, mum's a psychologist and she's getting SO MANY clients right now :/ Or patients. Talking about patience, it's something I need :) 

Another random fact: I wish I had a chinchilla!! They're so cute. Although I think I have too many pets as for now :P

Mum sometimes threatens to throw my poor pet tarantula away when she's angry. LOL yup, I have a tarantula (brachypelma boehmei) I think, a large tortoise, 2 smaller terrapins, 2 dogs, fish and some weird garden animals :) But look at this.

Isn't it the cutest thing?? LOL it's a type of rodent and is slightly bigger than ground squirrels. Native to the Andes Mountain, South America. It's adorable!! Oh, I took this picture from Wiki by the way :) 

Oh, yuck* I have morning breath :/ I'd better head to the bathroom to brush thy teeth. Alright, I'll blog more later in the day :) Okie??
Love you all. Xx,

P.s# Things to do in December:
1. Be a larger rebel.
2. Get my driving license.
3. Lose some weight if I can.
4. Celebrate Christmas with friends. (It's usually with ze familia.)
5. Hang out with Lynn!! ( Ze bestie.)
6. Meet up with Priya. Yay*
7. Start on my next semester's subjects.
8. Get a bigger stock of candy :p
9. Polish up my dance skills.
10. Paint the town red.

P.s.s# Left something in the CBOX for Josh Wright ;) Aaron Howell, I miss you and that "brian" of yours. Hopefully the government is not on your back!! Lots of love, xx.

1 comment:

  1. Or patients. Talking about patience, it's something I need :)

    Hahaha. I liked that line. :D

    What is that blue dome for sitting on top of those boxes?
