Friday, December 3, 2010

Economics, theories and analysis :)

I'm a snot nosed upper :) Just kidding* Sigh* Life is as life should be. Please, life. LOL I hope everything would turn out well. I really need all the support I can get :( Anyhoo,

I'm no huge fan of economics :) I can't get the gist of it in my head. Seriously. I'm more fixated towards the Science stuff. Like colors and their "bondage" on the spectrum. Aaron Howell came up with this amazing concept once again. That colors may not just be all that in the spectrum of light. There may be one or more colors binding the seven main colors together, I mean, they are photons after all. Maybe there is another force holding them together. You know, of a different color and what not. Just a theory :) Theories are meant to be disproved in my books. People who just follow theories blindly without further questioning especially if they're in the Science industry, should be chained, whipped and bound. Haha just a blatant over exaggeration on my part alright.

So yeah, boo ya :) Once again, economics?? Yuck* Haha. I'm dedicating this post to all you economical freaks ;) Hey, we're all freaks in our fields aren't we?? ;) I got this email from a site I religiously stalk. Not exactly stalk but well, something like that :P

By the way, OMG this is embarrassing. I'm so addicted to playing Island god on Facebook. It is quite fun :/ Getting the coins, building stuff and leading a tribe :/ Kind of like an escape to a place surreal. I even named my tribe the Shoshone. After Taboo in Black Eyed Peas. He's of the Shoshone tribe ethnicity. A native American tribe :) Lovely. Anyway, back to the topic, economics.

It's so dry and boring :/ Yet economists have brilliant minds, almost scientist-like, they have to analyze charts, graphs, predict, estimate, they have tonnes on their brains daily. So yeah, about the email I got, it is kinda cool :)

Dear friends, it says.

The global recession has plunged over a hundred million people into poverty and unemployment yadda yadda..

Right now, French President Sarkozy, the new chair of the G20 group of the world's largest economies, is deciding the group's agenda. Over 300 top economists have urged the G20 to launch a coordinated global investment plan that saves millions from grinding hardship. But governments are doing the opposite - going it alone, slashing spending, and blaming each other.

My say: So you see :) What I was saying in my earlier post. The people with the brains should lead governments. Not selfish arrogant morons who think they know it all, hence plunging the recessions to further depths of depression. Sigh* Anyway, it says further: 

President Sarkozy often seizes opportunities for dramatic popular action -- a massive outcry to him this week can persuade him to lead. Former UK PM Gordon Brown has urgently appealed to Avaaz to act - click below to watch his appeal, forward this email, and sign the petition for a Jobs and Justice plan, to be personally delivered to Sarkozy when we reach 500,000 voices. (Yup, it's an ongoing campaign.) We need people with brains, I stress here. Not the typical maniacal leaders we see these days.

The global recession has already put 34 million people out of work and thrown 60 million people into poverty, but governments across the world are doing exactly the wrong thing: proposing deep cuts to public services, implementing protectionist policies and reducing global development assistance – plans that destroy still more livelihoods and threaten our social fabric. 

My say: The story we're all very familiar with, the Great Depression in the 1930s. Governments sought to "reassure markets" and slashed services and balanced budgets.  Of course, this backfired entirely. This is also why a lot of our country's markets don't do so well. Because, the cuts shut more and more of the citizens out of the economical market, thus plunging them deeper into crises. It is when markets fail that governments should make the efforts and analyze analytically and not simply propose stupid cuts and sponsorships and expense deductions and what nots. Phew* Hope I make sense here :) Economy is not my forte :/ Yet I know how to deal with it a little in my "brian" :/ Haha. 

The letter goes further to say:

Economic collapses can threaten everything we care about. When countries turn inwards, they abandon cooperation on issues like climate change, fighting global poverty and nuclear disarmament. They blame each other and groups of their own citizens -- leading to xenophobia, conflict and, as in the 1930s, the rise of awful political movements like fascism. But cooperation can build success upon success: as we recognize that our destinies are interlinked, a joint recovery can pave the way to the world we all believe in. Let's seize this moment to raise a cry for that greater vision -- of an economy that lifts us all towards a brighter future. 

My say: So, in my opinion, although we have lost a lot of ground, we could still rebuild the economy from scratch. All we need is a few good heads and a few smart leaders who would and could pave the way for us into higher heights of success. We still have hope BUT if only we have the resources, good heads like I mentioned earlier and of course, fresh new waves of ideas and not the same old "cut, budget proposals". There would NOT be any flow in the markets if we all cut down on expenses would there?? :) One of the closest people to me even told me this, yup. It is true. During times of economy crises, we should pool our expenses in order to create a certain generative flow in terms of monetary finances and bluh :)

Okie, I think I've done enough talking :)
Hope you enjoy this lengthy and BORING discussion ;)
Meow* Lots of love!!

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