Friday, December 31, 2010

Books, wants, misses.

Okie, so forgive me :) I'm in that blogger roll again. But what the heck, blogging is addictive :) And so are you, my little meows ;) HAHA!! I'm feeling a little hyped up for the New year. Let's hope everything goes well for everyone ;)

2010 was terrible. I lost my gramps, had fall outs with my family, ran away from home multiple times (oh well, I'm a rebel), had interfering relatives namely an aunt, trying to pry her nose in my affairs. Oh well, some people just think they can play God and control situations and manipulate things according to their likings. Guess what, no one moulds me but me. LOL too bad some have to find out the hard way. Let's just say that I'm more mature now :) The trips with my family were good. We patched up (although mum is currently in her spring cleaning mood, turning the whole house upside down), and yeah. Lil is still Lil :) She's such an adorable thing although she HATES to be called that. As you all know, I spent the New Year doing funny things :) I got an awesome load of Christmas presents from my beloved pals. Even on my birthday, bestie gave me a book on Aung San Suu Kyi. Here, I'll show you a picture.

Sorry, I can't rotate it :) But there, you have it. Perfect hostage, the full biography of Aung San Suu Kyi. Just pure pleasure. A good book is like umm, stimulating sex?? LOL. They give me the BEST orgasms, I swear. A good book :) I figured. It's easy to get my heart. LOL Just give me a good book and I'll be loyal to you for life ;)

And a Stephen King in HARD COVER!! For my Christmas present :) From T S.M. Thank you SO MUCH!!

My room is in a mess!! Mum calls it a pig sty. I've too many things in here. Sheesh, I came back from the many road trips and still haven't fully unpacked. Haha mum is so going to throw a tantrum when she comes in here :/ I bought too many things, quite a lot of books as well although many were given too. Books here are pretty expensive unless bought online. It's annoying really, to save up for so long for a book in the market and when I have enough, it goes out of stock :/ Sheesh. Well, it is a worth it mess :) LOL. I really can't imagine having to go back to college :( It's hard to adjust, like transitions. And I don't really fancy the people in my college (not that they fancy me either I guess) haha!! Seriously, they stare, some admire me from a distance but no one really tries to befriend me although I did try talking to them in class. Girls are the worst!! They act all quiet and when you're out of sight, they start bitch-ing. Haha. 

2011 and my wants for the year:

To obtain a 3.5 CGPA (cumulative grade point average) without fail.
Well, dad warned me I have to obtain that or else :9

To be a better person. To hold on and not give up so easily.

To not be taken down so easily by others or what others think or say.

To be a better daughter.

To be a better friend.

To succeed in my field of choice in education.

To stop eating so much and to stop putting on so much of weight especially during festive seasons. HAHA!! Mmph.

Anyway, again, Happy New Year to you all, my munchies and I hope that 2011 will be a better year for us all ;) Lots of love.

P.s# I miss my Kampar friends :( Buck loads.

1 comment:

  1. Mum calls it a pig sty.

    Hahaha. I think all mom's call them that. At least, that's what my mom always did. :P
