Saturday, January 1, 2011

Bizarre brain stimulations.

Oh look, it's me again. HAHA.

Alright. Sigh* It hit me again like a wave.
I feel poetic right now because of all the hurts inside that have remained curled up. They're all unfurling now. One by one, piece by piece. 


And she waited till darkness overtook everything she lived for.
It ate her up like a giant miserable mold.
It crushed her very existence.
It surpassed everything.
This was by far the worst.
She screamed and backed down.
Nothing worked.
Kicking it, punching it;
It was rock solid.
Defeated, she lay in the corner
And let it eat at her soul.
Now all that was left,
Was a shell;
As proof she ever existed.

There, a little poetry never hurt anyone :) Sometimes, the only way I can express myself is through art, poetry, or blogging. I find it hard to express what I feel. Really. I am quite good at writing but anything more than that especially if it involves figures of speech, and I'm not at my best :) Haha but if I'm comfortable with you, I should be fine.

Sorry for the inconsistent rambling and funny posts. Something triggered off some bizarre chemical reactions in me. I feel like running. Just running and running. Away from everything, away from now. Is that even possible?? Running away from now?? Ever felt like you were never good enough??
Was just talking to the bestie. Loving someone is letting go of them. How hard is that?? Can it get any harder?? Haha can it now. Sigh* Maybe I should just paint another piece of art :) Instead of ramble here and spoil your New Year.

LOL That's exactly what I shall do.
You know I love you all. A LOT.
Ciao, honey pies!!

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