Love from me first :)
Disclaimer: This post is not meant to be directed at anyone in particular. Just a "special" someone.
Note to self: I will not stoop as low as you. I will not start name calling or swearing but I will use my wit and brain instead; what God blessed me with abundantly and what He did not grant you with, apparently.
How dare you say stuff about me behind my back?? SHOUTING OUT TO THE WORLD AS IF YOU KNOW EVERY DARN THING ABOUT ME. Although I left that dreaded place, you still manage to haunt me. On Internet websites where I don't even have you as a friend. HOW DARE YOU TURN ALL MY FRIENDS ON ME??
Karma has a funny way of playing. Beware. I know how fragile you are inside. And how that one girl can break you just like that. I know your self esteem levels. You don't know who you're messing with. I'm not the type who will plot a revenge, NO!! I'll just sit back and let karma do its job and when it hits you, I'll just sit back and enjoy the show with a good bucket of hot buttered popcorn. JUST YOU WAIT. For every single person you hurt, JUST BECAUSE you couldn't get us. HOW PATHETIC. GROW UP!! The world is not according to you. You DO NOT own it.
No, go ahead. Muck your life. Your words are self destructive, the more people you hurt, the more acid you have to swallow. Just you wait, my boy.
How dare you bring my religion into the picture?? I never saw you as a holy smoley so what gives you the right to judge me?? HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK OF IT?? How dare you shout to the world that "guys have many holes in my pants", just because apparently I went out with your friends one after another. Please, GROW UP!! My love life is not revolving around you. Neither are any one of their lives. You think you have a whole alley now. I have a legion. You have an army, I have a multitude. I just can't wait for the day where they ALL turn on you. They actually have already, you're just too blind to notice it. \
Such a self righteous holy shnizzle you are, NOT!! I will totally not resort to name calling to defend my innocence like you do to defend your "weak being", PPFFTT!! How pathetic can you get?? You judge me, try to turn my friends upon me by making them foes and making them listen to your angry rants about me, and then complain on Facebook that your girlfriend hurt you. GROW UP!! She does not deserve a fucktard like you.(Oops, name calling) SELF CONTROL!!
JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT others. Not just me. But other innocent people. DO NOT ROB THEM OF THEIR DIGNITY. It's just loathsome. The only reason why I'm ranting here is because you're too mule-headed to stop what you're doing if I were to sit and talk it out with you. You would be SO SELF-JUSTIFIED that after that, you'd just think the whole world is against you. SHUT UP AND STOP TALKING ALREADY, YOU'RE BRINGING YOURSELF DOWN AND OTHERS WITH YOU. It's destructive. STOP IT!! Gosh!! How can I open your slanty lidded eyes?? GOSH!!
Shucks I still can't hate you although you broke my soul. I CARE FOR YOU!! Gosh just STOP *UCKING yourself up, MYCW!! It's unhealthy. I'LL HAVE THE LAST LAUGH. *EVIL LAUGHTER*
With this, I sign off.
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