Thursday, April 22, 2010

Truancy and Miss Moon. *Wink*

Something just happened!! I skipped class :p It's just a mass com class. I totally forgot about my media journal so yeah. You know, once you put in a lot of effort into something and it gets missing, we'd get frustrated. No denying that. I'm quite mad. SIGH* I lost my first media journal, I'M THE MOST ACCIDENT PRONE. Trust me on this. I printed out my psychology assignment yesterday and the next thing I know, is it went missing :( Was so upset.

Phew, I'm blogging from the ICT lab in college again :)
Didn't bring my notebook this time. It's so noisy. Let's do a Miss Moon shall I?? LOL.

Miss Moon Case #5.

Dear Miss Moon, I get high on sugar, coffee, anything nice. Even music. I actually go around jumping, singing, dancing and even screaming my lungs out after a cup of coffee or a pack of sweets. I generate a lot of stares. It's annoying. My boyfriend doesn't really like it. Plus I love ice cream!!

I can't help it, I'm SO addicted to ice cream :( I love sugar, it gives me a really nice adrenaline rush. Also, when I get high on alcohol, I start dancing on bar tops. Once, I got so high on Vodka and I started dancing on the bar top. I was wearing a super short micro mini skirt and a leopard print thong. I realized people were taking pictures only after I won a bucket of Tiger beers for being the best sexy dancer. I also realized after the pictures came out that I didn't shave and my pubic hair was sticking out all over. It looked like a bush, overgrown and unruly. Shucks.

Oh Miss Moon, please tell me what I should do to stop getting high all the time. Are there such things as depressant pills?? I mean, sometimes, ALL I have to do is to put on my earphones and I'd start raving like a mad baboon. Help me.

Miss Hyperactive.

My reply:

Dear Miss Hyperactive, why don't you smoke some weed after you wake up each morning?? Getting stoned means less hyperness in your blood. I pity you. I used to have that hyper syndrome last time.

Also, just don't care about what others have to say about you :) Just continue being hyper. Flash people if they stare at you. Or slap them for staring. You could also ask them to mind their own businesses and to take their eyes off you, lest you dig their pupils out. If your boyfriend can't stand people staring, just screw him and get a new one ;) After all, there are plenty of fish in the sea.

Oh, just continue your bar top dancing. It's fun I know :) Just use waxing strips for hair removal. You wouldn't want another hairy baboon-ish episode would you?? Make sure N0 pubic hair is left. Kill it ALL!! Use weed killer if you want. Don't take depressant pills. No such thing, I think. Don't ever EVER suppress your happiness, not for anyone in the world. Now sweetie, go out there and have FUN!! ;)

Love, Miss Moon.

Next day's headlines: 18 year old girl arrested for flashing her boobs in public. Followed by her privates. She claimed they were itchy because she used weed killer to eliminate hair.

Haha!! Oh gosh, this is so silly it's funny :)

Love you all!!

<3 <3 Shia.

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