When I think :)
Aaron just triggered off a massive explosive, LARGE implosive, crazy wild reaction in my brain's pineal and amygdala. (Forgive the whacky terms and dishy jargon.) My brain just swelled to the size of Copenhagen.
Want to hear what's on it?? Let me tell you :)
1. The First Inaugural address of Woodrow Wilson.
2. Chemistry and bionics and some cryonics are floating around my brain matter.
3. I'm worrying about my bad Math allergy. (Blatant over-exaggeration on my part). LOL.
4. Silence, it's deafening!! Thanks, Aaron for planting this ever so provocative thought in my head. I just read his blog and he has a point!! Silence be it external or internal, triggers off adverse reactions. Humans are actually afraid of silence I think, hence the making of music, etc. You really jolted me, Aaron. Your poem is amazing!!
5. Humans. Still trying to grasp the depth and fathom the very making and being of them. And myself included of course.
6. All these combined makes a huge floatation of everything altogether which makes it harder to sort out and comprehend. Oh, plus Norse mythology!!
I'd have to go to Sweden and get the truth on Norse mythology. It all differs!! Various sources have various things to say about it!! Gosh!!
I really have to go and get ready for dinner. I promise I'll come back and blog later. Too much on my mind, too much to handle. It's all very intriguing. Very mind-boggling, brain-blowing, heart eating. LOL.
Lots of love!! Thanks Aaron, for the orgasmic brain stimulation although you're a million miles away!!
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