Saturday, August 14, 2010


Me :)

Feel bad about not blogging properly for so long :)

Been going through some funny times. It's like being one of the Stepford wife characters. Where nothing is flawed that you know, somehow, somewhere, something is bound to go wrong because it's just all hidden behind the screen of perfection. You know that the screen would just fall and all the demons you're afraid to face would just come out and haunt you. Something like that :)

Or maybe it's just me. I believe in conspiracies. Theories of conspiracy DO exist. It's not just all in the mind. It is out there. And yes, Ouch!! The hives really hurt. LOL I don't even know how I contracted them. Yucks*

Would you go back to a place where they've all been brainwashed?? Would you ever dare to step foot in a place that has become so foreign to you, so alien?? You know what to expect yeah. But all is so odd. So foreign. Like you know you'd lose your footing and balance in there. I don't know. It's just this weird period of time I'm going through. Is it all in the head?? Or is it really out there and happening?? My mind is too powerful, sometimes I've to fight it off just to fend for myself. I'm serious. My brain, my mind and my heart are three really powerful entities that clammer for the biggest power, the highest title in me. They never rest, not even when I sleep :) Maybe that's the best way to explain how I feel. LOL I feel bad. Lil's outside bathing Woffle but I can't help her. I'm supposed to stay away from seafood, fast food and animals :s

LOL. Sad huh. I hate the hives. LOATHE, HATE AND DESPISE. Ouch.

Have you ever felt like you're walking through halls of shame and guilt?? And all you feel is remorse and pain?? Have you ever felt so tormented you just want to slit your skin open just to prove to the world your point?? Have you ever felt so demented that nothing stops anything?? Have you ever been questioned over and over again?? Have you ever felt not good enough??

Love, Shia.

P.s# Sorry :P Weird times ;) Muaxx!!

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