Monday, August 30, 2010


Silly us.

It's really funny that we think we're not worth anything sometimes. Yet there is someone else who would call us their world.

Sheesh, overrated patriotism. Sorry, I was never the patriotic type and never will be. Overtly sceptical on a lot of things. Wise eyes ;) Well, I just know the insights to political aspects in the country, you could say.

Well, moving on. Gosh, life could get unbearable sometimes you just feel like whacking the guy beside you up don't you?? Haha. It's 4.30 am now over here and I just snacked on some dried tomatoes and nachos. And a kiwi. Oh, and an isotonic drink. Which explains why I'm wide awake. Haha I should probably stop midnight snacking. Sheesh!! I have to work out!! The adrenaline pump causes me to stay wide awake and I'd be sleep deprived the next day. Ppfftt, Ramblings from me.

I miss you Vie, I miss you Priya, I know you read my blog October, I miss you too :( Sigh. I miss life there when we were all one huge big happy family. Feeling a little nostalgic right now. Can I reverse time?? :( Sigh*

You know, I feel like shooting someone down right now. So many things triggered off the raging gene in me. Ppfftt. It hurts pretty bad when the people around me are becoming so narrow-minded and foolish. Plus superficial. C'mon, there's more to life than doing nails or looking all dolled up. (For girls I mean.) People are changing, I'm progressing too fast sometimes. Lynn and I and a handful of us. We don't see eye-to-eye with some of the old peeps anymore. We see things without the rose-tinted glasses which makes it harder to find people "on our levels in every aspect". Was just telling Aaron :)

It's so hard to catch you online, Aaron :p You're all the way in another time zone, sheesh you!! I know you love to read about yourself and how ingenious you can get. LOL!!

I have to do another post so I'd probably do some mindless ranting there too as well?? LOL It's the end of August for me and I have to have an even number of blog posts in August ;) (Autistic me)

Love you peeps!! Ta.


  1. sometimes you just feel like whacking the guy beside you up don't you?

    Most of the time I do. Most of the time, it's my sister. Hahaha. :P

    Can I reverse time?

    Then you'd be doing everything backwards; that doesn't sound like fun. Imagine pooping and eating--that's enough to keep me from rewinding. :P


    Matthew 7:13-14 AMP
    Enter through the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and spacious and broad is the way that leads away to destruction, and many are those who are entering through it. But the gate is narrow (contracted by pressure) and the way is straitened and compressed that leads away to life, and few are those who find it.

  2. I'm still around, btw. :) Even if you don't need me around anymore. :)

  3. Josh, why'd you wanna hit your sister?? Haha. Meanie :P

    Not that way :/ I meant reversing time as in umm, rewinding, kinda like going back into the past :P LOL Maybe it came off as a little wrong :P Hey, I thought you didn't visit my blog anymore Josh, LOL!! Your comments have become fewer. Up to much??

  4. Aiden, HEY!! OMG Who said I don't need you :( Life is just a mess sometimes and I've been having people so close to me just walk out and bail out on me. I just didn't know where to turn to. What are you up to these days?? Can I chat with you on MSN?? You still read my blog frequently?? Gosh :( I missed you. Thought you were too busy.

  5. Maybe it came off as a little wrong :P

    Haha. No, I understood what you wrote--I simply played with it in a literal fashion.
