Friday, July 2, 2010

The First Cut.

Jack and I.

The first cut is the deepest.
And deja vu of it is painful. Perhaps even more numbing than the first.

I'm a little strange in a normal kind of way. I happen to fall for people with strange pasts. Be it, bad pasts or just a past. It's really strange. These days, I'm finding it harder to decipher myself. My own thoughts, words and deeds. Very very strange. Certain thoughts engulf me more than the rest. Which yet again, is strange.

Oh, spare me some normalcy on my part please. Please, I implore the goddess of wisdom, The great Athena herself :P To give me more!! More knowledge, MORE WISDOM!! Haha.

Sigh* Please dreary phase, please. Leave right now :(
Everything just seems dull, looks grim and bleak. Don't ask me. I torment myself with my own thoughts. Seriously.

My mum was just telling me, she currently believes in euthanasia. I didn't actually support her but when she reasoned with me, it was kind of heartbreaking. There are many many dog catchers around my area. And they're evil I tell you. Evil in my books is related to dog catchers in every sense. It's the epitome!! The dog catchers send the helpless dogs to the pounds and it's inhumane. Sickening people. My dog Jem was right in front of my house; she ran out and accidentally got locked out because we didn't know she was outside. Not till we heard the horrible roaring of the dog catchers' truck, did we run out. Only to discover that Jem was being taken away by one of the rough handlers. She was pulled off by a wire around her neck, the poor thing :( We tried negotiating with them but they said her license had expired. And that she would be killed the next day. How sickening!!

We tracked them down the next day and when we appealed, they said we would have to wait till Monday because the dog pound wasn't open till Monday. It was a Saturday. Guess what!! We found Jem in the truck. Still on the truck!! Without food or water, stuck with a good 20 odd dogs?? Poor things :( We negotiated again and got her back for a hundred quid. Horrid nincompoops. Poor Jem was quite traumatized, shivering and howling. She's quite scared when she sees the dog catchers now. but seriously, this country is a totally sick place for animals to be in. SICK!!

There was a dog at the train station and the poor thing was caught and tied up with a broomstick shoved down his throat.I saw the pictures :'( Their reasoning??-Because there was an important minister going to inspect the train station and they wanted to impress him. I cried when I saw the poor dog's pictures. I would have at least intervened or loosened him and brought him home. But, NO ONE STOPPED TO HELP HIM AND HE WAS TIED UP BY HIS PAWS!! How sick!! I told my dad I'd like to be an animal court lawyer since I have passion for them. He said it would be a waste of talent thus I'd stick to my Bio, thank you very much.

Sigh* Stupid country with stupid goals that are nearly impossible to reach and stupid agendas. To treat something or someone lesser than us is to create a stigma thus enhancing the slowing of advancement and growth in every aspect including political aspects, economic aspects and also social aspects. Sheesh!!

So again, my mum currently supports euthanasia. She and I both have soft spots, extremely soft spots for anything suffering. She actually told me that she did think of giving the poor dogs lingering around the neighbouring neighborhoods their last meal mixed with poison. To kill them swift and painlessly. Seriously, we've tried helping the dogs. Jem was a stray dog. Now staying with us. Woffle was adopted from SPCA since she was a baby. And Pinky; the other stray dog we took in was given away to my mum's student. Another mother dog with about 6 pups was given to our neighbour. But my mum says there's too many now to be helped and we're the ONLY ones making an effort. Mum feels so burdened when she sees dogs with practically incurable skin diseases that limp. They look like they're about to fall dead or collapse any moment. That's why she believes in euthanasia, to help ease them, to put them out of their pain in a merciful way. Sigh*

Woffle as a baby and Woffle wrapped up :)

All this is very depressing. Animals. They deserve way better.
And men= the most complex complicated beings at the bottom of the evolution theory :)
Chastise me for that.

Love, hugs and kisses.

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