Saturday, July 10, 2010


That's me in a dress after my relative's wedding last night. Feeling really really cut off from normalcy and esteem levels were dropping rapidly, thus the chopped off face. Feeling yucky.

On my bed now. Ouch, just stretched my leg and my thigh hurts. YOU got me feeling insecure. And now with arms wide open. Sorry, lyrics from a song. Sigh* Finals are next week. Or rather, starting from tomorrow onwards. And I feel major round. Don't know what's up with me these days. Feeling like an overfed hamster constantly.

Hmm, I love Raja Petra Kamaruddin. He's a Malaysian Malay who thinks so intellectually that it's unbelievable. He's super rational and the way he rationalizes actions affirmative or not and politics is super amazing. Sorry for the horrible misspellings in the previous post. Will look into them.

I also changed my blogger template :) Mmmm, lips are orgasmic don't you think??

I'll write more later after I've studied for Psychology alright?? Hmm, this new friend of mine. Makes me so curious. Love ya, A babe. LOL.

P.s# For you peeps who LOVE snakes, check out Wind's blog. He has awesome new pictures of his babies, snake hatchlings. MAJOR ADORABLE. They make me want to say: Snuffle Upagus. Don't ask me why :P Lovely!!

Ta peeps!! xoxo

1 comment:

  1. lips are orgasmic don't you think?

    Nope. Just plain lips, just like that? "Hey look! Lips!" Even something like the lips on your background image?

    orgasm: the physical and emotional sensation experienced at the peak of sexual excitation, usually resulting from stimulation of the sexual organ and usually accompanied in the male by ejaculation.

    No, I have never blown my wad after seeing a pair of lips. :P I think you overuse--if not inappropriately use--the word, Miss Lishia. :)

    Also, I think your comments are broken. I grabbed this link from the source code. :D
