Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Desolation in September.

(Wind, I hope you don't mind. I loved the candles, it made things less grim. I borrowed the picture of these candles, they're gorgeous!! Many thanks.)

Sometimes, disappointment and sorrows are inevitable. Painful as they may get, much as they mind you; they seem to come in packs. In bulk. Mass, you know.

Sigh* It's so hard not to get rifled at life sometimes. It's funny how the very people I grew up with can just bail out on me in the blink of an eye. It's also funny to see all the different platforms which we now stand on. It's terrible to see the veil covering their eyes. They're oblivious to what's happening around them, bad as it is.

Then again, some people do prefer stagnation. They prefer to stay behind when everyone else is advancing. (Sorry for the mindless uttering.) Sigh*

I wish I were normal at times. I wish I were the stereotype. I wish I fit in with the typical people. I wish my brain didn't go on overdrive so much. I wish normalcy were a part of me.

I lay twisted.
In the corner of a dark room.
I saw him.
I saw death and turbulence.
I scrunched myself into a ball,
Just to remove myself from the pittance.

I cried out,
Sheer pain and agony engulfed me.
Bittersweet memories played through my mind.
I saw your faces in the distance.
Mocking me as if I were unreal.
I screamed to let you all know I existed.

The roaring didn't cease but multitudes did.
I tried to ignore,
To block out all the taunts.
Who knew, disappointments came in that form.
I asked for some water and was rejected,
I was pushed into a pit of silence.

The silence was deafening,
worse than the roaring.
I screamed again to block it out.
Now I knew what sheer destitution,
utter desolation and complete desperation meant.
I was too oppressed to snap out.

I gave up.
Then I met you,
You gave me a candle.
It burnt brighter and brighter.
The silence ceased.
A warm glow replaced it.
I now know, although just a flicker,
It gave me some light, some hope at the dead end.

The wishful.


  1. I wish I were normal at times.

    1 Peter 2:9 AMP
    You are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, [God's] own purchased, special people, that you may set forth the wonderful deeds and display the virtues and perfections of Him Who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.
