Friday, September 17, 2010

Leaders and shame.

Meowsa :3

Sigh* Opened up my emails and I saw a very disturbing one :/ India has a new proposal made. Seriously, am very disappointed. I thought Balakrishnan (ex chief Justice of India) was one of the smarter ones. The fact that he encouraged the whole sweep of this shocking proposal is very disappointing.

The Times of India (an Indian newspaper) had a very shocking headlines just several days ago. Look below:

A proposal of marriage is touted as the perfect solution for the victim. But questions are flooding in. Isn't it the victimization of the victim ALL over again??

Isn't it the perfect way of getting a woman a man fancies to marry him?? It's like a ticket to wrongdoing. "I like her, I'll rape her and then propose. She has to marry me anyway after that. She'd be worthless after I rape her." I bet this is what goes through most rapists minds after this proposal is made official and released. Sickening. How shallow, stupid and dumb can the world and leaders get?? It's like their already deteriorated brain cells are further deteriorating into pancake neurons. :(

These women are hugely stigmatized by their communities and largely seen as unmarriageable to future partners.

Shocking statement eh?? Some women in India are pawned off and treated like second class citizens.

As psychologist Seema Hingoranny points out, "you cannot completely ignore the psychological status of the man [rapist]. Someone who can commit such a heinous crime has something incorrect in his character and such marriages can never work. It could lead to more violence."

It has created a whole new debate and generated a lot of sparks from everywhere. India IS a beautiful place to be in. Just like Malaysia. But the ignorance of leaders and blatant cover ups are just not to be tolerated. Sickening. It violates women rights. How can a woman be deemed unworthy if she was raped; against her own will?? It was NEVER her doing the wrong deed. She should not be blamed. Sometimes, sense should just be kicked into the heads of some leaders and politicians. Very disgusting, the blatant injustice of it all.

It angers me. I'll take a break and come back to blog more. A little angry with all this stupidity.

P.s# I met an angel. I'll call her J icequeen :) Thank you for giving me the encouragement I needed. You know who you are ;)

Love you all Tinkie winkies :)


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