Monday, September 6, 2010

Today I learnt.

Us in Snowflake :)

Things come with a price. Even the good things.

I saw a man near my place today. Have been observing him for a while. He just walks around aimlessly, I just watch him. It breaks my heart. He's quite an old man, unshaven; he just carries all he possesses in a white plastic bag. He's homeless; nevertheless, NEVER accepts help from people. Guess some people just have a lot of dignity.

Today, I heard the story. I heard of his past. I heard of what happened that made him who he is today. It's amazing. Some things can't fit the puzzles we paint.
The man, his story, it is a puzzle. It has a lot of missing pieces but guess we just have to try and figure out what they are.

It seems that the old man went up to university level in the area of education. He was a very brilliant person. He just cracked somewhere in the middle of his phD. He just cracked. Just like that. I wonder why. Some things are too infinite, endless possibilities. He always walks around, every day, screams when he likes and just seems to enjoy life. It's just a little sad and hauntingly intriguing though, watching him. He never accepts alms from people. He seems to have a stash of cash though and he only takes money from people if he asks for some.

Just struck a chord in me. Got me thinking.

Life. Such an extreme thing. What does it have in store for us all. Today, I learnt that everything comes with a price, be it good or bad. I also learnt that some puzzles, can never be solved :) Not meant to be.

Enough on that :) I'll blog on some Indian culture later :) And why I'm so deeply madly truly in love with it.

Lots of love, xoxoxoxo,
Shia :)

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