Thursday, March 18, 2010

Rants and runts.

Just a cheeky picture :P Since I'm "tiny".

Yesh, I found a topic to rant on. Gender bias and discrimination and yet again, RACISM!! Okay, I think some of you might be closing your eyes now, groaning, NOT AGAIN!! :) Mi muy mal!! Yes yes, Spanish roll is still here. Haha, gosh, Twitter is pretty boring but I'm honored to have four followers. YEAH four followers only. Miserable. Haha but on the bright side, two of my followers are science journalism organizations and that makes me ecstatic :)

Oh gosh, you would never in a million light years believe how FAR some people can be from human civilization. Even the Mesopotamians had better values than them. You know, in the Star papers not too long ago, I think the article came out on monday. I'm particularly upset now, thanks to certain people that BLOW THINGS OUT OF PROPORTION.

Anyway, continuing from where I left off, an old man from East Malaysia forced his wife to have sex with foreigners while he filmed them. At first, it was just once a month. But then, he became more and more aggressive and the ordeals became more frequent and the poor lady had to look for help outside. She called upon one of the political organizations in Malaysia. She couldn't take it anymore. WHAT SICK HUSBAND FORCES HIS WIFE TO HAVE SEX WITH MULTIPLE FOREIGNERS WHILE HE FILMS THE ORDEALS?? I think, only sickheads. Okay, maybe we didn't hear the other side of the story. As in, the man's side. He had an erectile dysfunction. Forgive my open discussion on sexuality, these are issues close to my heart and I feel the need to "release" them somewhere. Well, the old man's erectile dysfunction might have taken a psychological toll on him. As I know, a guy's dick is their ALL, their pride and glory. Even though I'm not a guy, I think so :) I mean, as a girl, I understand, we have assets too. :P So yeah, maybe his insecurities led him to doing that. But that is still TOO MUCH. Paying foreign workers to sleep with his wife?? It's perverse and is considered a form of voyeurism. He never took her feelings into account but only thought of himself. Drowning in his self pity. Sheesh, it gets me ANGRY. Oh I can't have an erection, bluh bluh!! What about his wife???? Ever thought of her having to bear foreign people entering her "most sacred" part?? Gosh. Sometimes, guys. Just get out of control due to greed, lust and yes, believe it or not, LOVE.

Negative love can KILL. It bloody murders, forgive my language, I'm just using "bloody" to indicate the level of severity.

And again, racism. We ALL came from the same forefathers, no??

Gosh. Sorry, I'll talk about it another time. Gets my guts twisted.

On a lighter note, let's talk about fashion :) MANY people love it. I admire Lynn, she doesn't care about how she looks YET she can still look good :P Some of us have to put in a litle effort :P

I am one of them that needs effort :P

A picture of me being an emo again in Joshy's room and another of me being "Holly Golightly" in modern times :P

P/s# I find pictures of me emo, hilarious!! :P

Off to work out now, butt needs toning ;)

The owl. :P

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