Sunday, January 23, 2011

Being a proper girl.

I need just the right amount of stimulation now :/ Going for college in half an hour and gosh, music is a bore. Music classes are oh so boring :/ The lecturer is the LEAST stimulating person I've met. It's like Grade One work ALL OVER again :/ Oh me oh my.

Well, forgive me for whining :) I'm only a girl. HAHA Or trying to be a proper one. 
I'm SO HAPPY!! I got this perfume I was looking for. Finally. It's not that I'm a cheapskate but bargains are better aren't they ;) This one came at half the original price and it's Ralph Lauren. One of my obsessions since it smells like watermelons. Yup, I love smelling like a walking fruitcake :P (A special thanks to a special someone for getting it for me.) Xx.

And I'm dying to skip music class :/ I think we're learning about the baroque period today. Sigh* Another thing that made my week is my dad coming back!! He came back and bought all of us watches. Mine is called Skin, it's green and from some weird brand-Breo. Had no idea the brand existed but it's awesome!! Mum got a Baby-G, we all collect watches :) So yes!! Woo hoo* The sales are here and everything seems so cheap and worth it. 

Alright, I have to go and bathe so I'll smell like a walking fruitcake ;) Just the way I like to smell. I'll come back and blog more. 
Xx, Shia.

P.s# Having a woozy tummy, I ate too much chicken yesterday :)

1 comment:

  1. Yup, I love smelling like a walking fruitcake :P

    Hahaha. I believe that's my favorite line from you, yet. I like smelling like fruit, myself. Personally, I like to smell like chocolate or vanilla.

    I think we're learning about the baroque period today.

    Oh. Music history. I think I understand the drag, now.
