Sunday, January 30, 2011

Miss Possible.

Peek-a-b00 :)

Can someone hurt you with their words without realizing?? I guess so, right. Words act like double edged swords jagged at the tip, they spear through your heart, they cause such an unsinkable measure of pain that no one can even decipher. Sometimes, because of simple little words, things aren't ever the same again. So, in conclusion, watch what you say to the ones you love. They might be the most sensitive people on earth although they don't show it.

Although they don't say sorry for hurting you, let it be. I'm trying to. Oh sigh* Things are back to normal now, after lunch :) Sorries were etched out and it's good ;)
Anyway, mum's kids are just getting worse. I mean, the severity of their conditions. (My mum is a child psychologist by the way.) This new girl, her characteristics are nearly schizotypal and she screams like she's possessed. Mum says she's autistic but on the slow side. The funny thing about autistic kids is that they look pretty normal. UNTIL you observe them up close. This girl, (Stephanie) she only wants to be called Miss Possible. She throws a HUGE tantrum if you don't call her that. 

Goodness, she was kicking a fit when I woke up this morning. I think she woke me up with her near demonic screaming and yelling. I really admire my mum. She's hitting 50 soon?? Next year or something (although she hates to be reminded of her age), but she has the strength and the energy to handle these children. Trust me, you need a lot of energy to deal with them. Miss Possible is one of the oldest that's with my mum and she just came in. She's 13 this year. With absolutely no self control over herself yet. I'll show you a video recording I took of Miss Possible's screams from my room.  My room is upstairs mind you and little Miss Possible was throwing fits downstairs. Boy is she loud!! Even mum said she's scared. Miss Possible acts like she's possessed, what with her eyes rolling around and stuff. LOL Lil (my sister) and I aren't allowed into the room when mum has her patients. They're wild. Mum got bitten by Wesley the last time. Haha. 

So once again, I've to stop blogging here and go and start revising. I have a very short attention span and that's why I need longer to study :/ Haha but my "brian" works very well with retaining information. Yay me*

Bye peeps and all my love.
Lots of cookies to you ;)

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