Sunday, January 30, 2011

Boot camp and drugs.

Yeah I know :) That's an old picture, back then when I still had my straight hair. Guess I was playing boot camp instructor ;) I kinda miss straight hair :( I really do want a mohawk but mum would go ballistic if I get one. LOL she doesn't really approve of it :/

A silly picture of me with straight hair. I should really shave one side of my head just for the fun of it. HAHA. Can't imagine mum's face then. Contorted with horror :O 
I don't know why, maybe it's because I've been reading up on my Biology work, I'm into drugs today :) Seems like an interesting topic. Oh well, I have friends who smoke pot, and do LSD and stuff like that. Seems like fun especially when the serotonin starts to hit the brain :) Haha and then, they start doing funny things like performing "orgies" and stuff. (With clothes on, don't ask; weird people.) LOL. Right, so LSDs it is then. LSD had one of the most tremendous drug potency; it is also one of the most talked about drug in the Science world amongst the brainiacs (scientists). The LSD molecule: Lysergic acid diethylamide. The similarities between LSD and serotonin may explain the "power" of  LSDs. I'm taking the information from an old encyclopedia but it's AWESOME. You know how schizophrenia is a "naturally-occurring mental disorder"?? LSD can induce that disorder and even give a person psychic abilities. Scientists say that it might be because of it's ability to take the user into a trance-like state thus, he/she is able to "see the future". Scary?? AND, LSD effects vary among users. Some get "grisly visions", some see bright colors, some writhe on the floor in pain. It kinda shows us that all our brains have DIFFERENT capacities thus  DISproving the anthropologist' theories that we are born equal. HUH!! LOL I just learnt that in anthropology class :/

Anyway, LSD is one of the most potent drugs in the Science world, fascinates scientists and it's weird :) One of the ONLY drugs that "is smart enough to imitate serotonin". I'm sure you know what serotonin does ;) It is one of the happy hormones released in the brain. LSD's are also weird. Lysergic acid Diethlyamide. As you can see, breaking it down, you can configure a type of acid, combined with alcohol?? But it TRICKS THE BRAIN!! HOW COOL IS THAT?? Schizophrenic abilities!! And the fact that it can actually act like a molecule of serotonin.

The history of anaesthesia: In 1842, an American physician, Crawford Long made history. When he created the first "surgical anaesthesia". He covered a patient's face with an ether-soaked cloth and the patient felt "painless" after that. It was for a tumor removal surgery. How awesome :) Back in that century, they had anaesthetics. Alright, I have to go and mug a little again for my upcoming tests :)

I will come back and blog again, maybe later in the wee hours of the morning?? Haha!!
Ta my sweet little meows :)
Xx, Lishia. 

P.s# Let's try LSD ;) *I'm kidding alright, stay safe* 

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